Part 6

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Louis' P.o.v

It's 3am and I can't sleep and rolling around in my bed seems to be the only option. I pull the thick covers off of my body and pull my joggers up my short legs and pull on my long sleeve black adidas sweater.

I grab my slip ons and open my door. I feel like I am in high school again sneaking out to a party when I open my bedroom door and look both ways down the hallway. I slip out my door and successfully make it out the front door and across the street.

I see a light on in Harry's house and decide to talk over there. I feel like a creep as I look in the window and see Harry laying on his stomach, on his bed reading a book. That damn book. I raise my fist to the frosty window and tap my knuckles ever so lightly on the thin glass.

Harry looks up worried but then his lips pull into a smile when he sees me.

"Miss me already Louis?" Harry asks giggling. God that was adorable.

"You wish. No, couldn't sleep. Though maybe you would want to go for a walk along the lake. Even you know it's frozen." I say chuckling.

"Yeah, let me put on my boots." Harry says shutting the window.

I see Harry put on his boots and comes back to the window.

"Meet me in front of the main door." Harry says.

I walk around back to his front door to be greeted by the beautiful boy himself.

"Ready?" I say smiling to the tall boy.

He smiles and we continue our walk to the lake.

"How long have you lived up here?" I ask Harry.

"Well it used to just be a summer resort. But then after me and my sister were out of the house, my mom and step dad moved up here." Harry said watching the snow fall lightly on his pants.

"My mom just now told me she is going to rent this out every Christmas." I said laughing.

Harry's small laugh fills my ears and it brings a smile to my face. Looking over and seeing the snowflakes land lightly on his cheeks and beanie and the moon light lighting up the small curls peaking out on the sides. I feel so warm even in this cold weather.

Harry is picking at the scars at his fingers with a frown settles on his face.

"Don't do that love, you'll only make it worse." I say grabbing his hand in mine.

"I hate these damn things. I mean I love reading but these paper cuts, remind that my whole high school time, I spent reading because I had nothing better to do. It's sad." He says looking down to the ground.

I grab his hand and begin kissing every visible scar on his fingers. The fire on my lips from his touch is almost unbearable but something about it makes me not want to stop.

"I love them. They make you who you are today. A smart and caring young man. It doesn't matter about your past Harry, because we are only living in the future." I say intertwining my fingers in his.

He looks to me with a small smile playing on his lips and then looks down to where our hands connect.

"How come your so sweet to me?" Harry says making eye contact.

"Your easy to talk to. I've never had someone just sit down and listen to what I have to say."

"I'll always listen Lou." he says giving my small hands a squeeze.

We continue to walk and talk until Harry speaks up again.

"Can I show you a place?" He says smiling to me.

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