my speech

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I know nobody will read this to the end... but I have a message to share and knowledge to give. Everyday you will wake up and think curious things, mundane things, and strange things, you will feel a range of emotion and passion, yes there are tragedies everyday, there is so much pain but there is also one thing we always forget, there is also hope. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope that we can fight hatred, hope that we can give to the youth, hope that the generations can be amazing, hope that after every dark night there will be a beautiful dawn. We all live in our own little worlds and pretend everything is okay, but its not our world, our society is dying, not be disease or war, but by not caring. We care so little about what we do, to each other, how we treat this planet. We care about such stupid things like religion, race, gender, and clothes. Yet we turn a blind eye to the homeless man, to the starving child, to the melting glaciers, and to the kids who are forced to kill. So I ask you this, no I beg you, start caring. Start looking past all of your hatred and start taking action. Please share this, get the word out. Start opening your eyes to the state of destruction we are in, and be the change, be the light in the dark. SHARE THIS PLEASE!!!!

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