It's Hard Isn't It?

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Now, Karol didn't particularly dislike Haruhi. She was just jealous that he got most of the attention from her best friend, her crush...

Karol wouldn't dare ever admit out loud, but she loved Tamara, and even if she didn't feel the same way, as long as Tamara is happy, she'd be happy.

Haruhi on the other hand absolutely feels exhausted. He had been working really hard today and he didn't know why. Did Karol not like him or something? Is that why he had extra work on his hands.

So Haruhi decided to confront Karol in private, to discuss all of this extra work. He was personally hurt, confused, and angry. Haruhi didn't do anything wrong, right? He didn't know if it was some grudge or anything. He just didn't know.

Today was the day that Karol was going to get confronted. She didn't know it was going to happen, and she most defiantly did not expect it.


Haruhi marched up to Karol, slamming his hand down on the table, "Why!?"


Haruhi looked furious, "Just why do you always give me extra work?! Is it because you hate me?! Tell me!"

His voice echoed the room, luckily they were the only two in the room at the moment.

Karol sighed, trying to think of a way to explain. "It's not that I hate you... It's just every time I see you with Tamara, I get this feeling of envy in my stomach. I guess you can say I'm jealous of you."

Haruri looked surprised by Karol's explanation. "So what you're saying is that you gave me all of this extra work... Because you were jealous of me?" She nodded, "You're an idiot Karol, Tamara is your best friend, I could never replace that, and I would never try to take her away from you. I wouldn't want to break off that strong of a friendship."

Karol was relieved. Relieved that Tamara wasn't going to be taken away from her. Relieved that she wasn't going to be forgotten.

Haruhi started to walk away before he said to Karol. "And Karol," she looked over at him, "You should try to confess to Tamara sometime soon. You two would be cute together."

And after that one sentence was said, Karol's face was as red as a tomato. She couldn't get that one sentence out of her head.

Now the thing is, will she confess? Or chicken out?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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