Shots & OCD

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ok, so people are always telling me that its stupid to hate needles. well I'm sorry that i can't help the fact i have trypanophobia!!! you may not have it but i do so don't go around saying "needles aren't that bad just don't think about it" well all I'm able to think about is the fact that there is a foreign object in the arm and i don't like it. it doesn't help that my friend came to school one day with a bandage around her wrist and when she took it off, the area where the IV was supposed to be, there were about seven marks and when they finally put in the IV it was in the wrong spot, they also hit her bone, and fished..... (that means they moved the needle around while it was in the skin) *shivers*. 


i have OCD. 

people don't understand what that means, it means i have to have things a certain way or i will flip. at school people like to move desks to make the rows uneven. ON PURPOSE. okay wait. 


they laugh and i laugh with them but on the inside my mind is going crazy.

let me give you an example:

I'm putting chairs out for an assembly. 



i have the chairs to where I'm satisfied

friend comes in

nudges a couple chairs. They laugh, i laugh they leave right? 


as I'm laughing i think 

"Oh god, ill get in trouble for not having them straight" even though i won't 

" they aren't straight i have to fix them" 

my hands start twitching 

i hide them 

i don't want to be like this

its nice when it comes to school like when I'm taking notes, they are neat :).

but its something that is hard to live with

i don't want to get rid of it 


i want to compress it i guess 

but thats all for now 

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