First love

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It all started on that day, that one day which I refer to as the best day of my life. That one day when I realised that I wanted the happiness which I had experienced with her in those 60 seconds for all my life. Those sixty seconds were not mere sixty seconds but 60 seconds that changed my life. Now I am addicted to her more that what sharks are to blood. I wanted to grow old with her in the span of those 60 seconds!!!! I wanted to fulfill my dream of her head resting on my shoulder, in front of a small cottage in a deep damp forest with her fingers fitting so well in my hands watching the beautiful twinkling stars at twilight. That one minute changed my every emotion . Just one gaze was enough for me. I am incomplete without her more than this universe is without the Sun!!! I want to feel all the pains, pleasure, sorrows and happiness with her being by my side. For me she is that enchanting scenery which gives my eye the ultimate pleasure, which soothes me so well that every grief and sorrow turns out to be very tiny. That angelic smile of her made me feel like I am lying on a bed of beautiful red roses. Isn't this amazingly alluring that just one look of her makes me feel heavenly! ! Her smile makes the sun look dull for me, her eyes make the stars dizzy for me.....all I know is that I love her beyond infinity. And this love can't be bound by any combination in the English alphabet. Day by day my respect for her expands , my love for her increases, my desire to be with her grows. I guess this is the best, the most beautiful , the most wonderful thing that has happened to me. ....yes !! My first love!!!

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