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Author's Note
My name is Zelrc(ゼルク).
I guess you're here because you're an anime lover and you want to learn Japanese or you're just a Japanese learner who is searching for tips and helps using the Internet.
I'm sorry to say this but I'm not a Japanese teacher so I can't teach you the proper way.
But I hope you can learn something from this.
Well then, let's get started, shall we?
So, let me tell you something.
Give up on reading Japanese words.
As someone who isn't a Japanese, you will have difficulty to learn the words.
It's not impossible but it's definitely hard.
For me, I knew how to speak or understand Japanese since I was little.
That was because my uncle always play Japanese version of Power Rangers, Ultraman and Animes.
But I don't how to read, not a single word.
That changed when I met my first Japanese friend in a MMORPG when I was 11.
I always wrote in Romāji and he always write it back in katakana and hiragana.
And that's how I learned it.

For you who don't know what is katakana and hiragana, don't worry that will taught in future chapters.
For now, let's start with something simple.
As you all know, "I" is the word to announce yourself.
In Japanese, or should I say in most Asian countries, there's a lot of word for the word "I".
In Japanese, the usual ones are:
Or just names.

Usually, girls use Watashi or names and boys use Boku or Ore.
Boku and Ore are boy-ish words especially Boku.
Although there are 30% of girls use Ore too.
Watashi is of course as everyone knows, can be use by both genders.
While girls normally use Watashi, boys do sometimes use Watashi even though they use Boku or Ore.
Normally when they are being polite like talking to a teacher.

By names, I mean like....
"Misaki likes milk!"(Misaki)
Like that, it's really uncommon so you don't have to worry about that.

Next, is "you".
Or just names.

Normally, I call them by their name., like...

"Did you like my dish?"(Shizuka)
"Yeah, I enjoyed Shizuka's dish a lot."(Nobita)

It may sound strange in English, but it's normal in Japanese.

Romāji:"Un, Shizuka no ryori oishi katta."(Nobita)

Kimi and Anata is just the normal saying you.

Romāji:"Kimi wa utsukushi."(Usui)
Translation:"You are beautiful."(Usui)

Like that, you covered "I" and "You".
Then, how about he or she or it?
That's in another chapter.
Hope you learned something from this chapter.

Pls vote and comment anything!
Even hate comments!
See U Next Chapter!

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