Chapter Thirteen

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Taking in a small breath, I glanced back. Behind me were several wagons. I was the only one walking. Most of the men were sleeping, despite the fact it was the middle of the day. Unease prickled at me with each step I took. 

The air was free of a breeze so the only sound you could hear was the wagons moving, overpowering the birds singing their songs. There was a sensation of someone watching me but I couldn't pinpoint who it was. It felt strange to not my magic. The only thing that held me back from using it was Rumpelstiltskin.

He said that I couldn't enter the forest using magic. Maybe I was just being paranoid but I feared if I used it too much I'd be denied entry. Behind me I heard footsteps but I didn't turn. They grew louder as they approached. But the person didn't interest me. I knew whoever it was didn't own the pair of eyes watching me. 

"Hey," Jonathan said. Glancing at him, I saw he was holding his sides and breathing heavily.  Raising my eyebrow, I turned forward. "Hi," I muttered. His facial expression lightened as he heard me respond. Jonathan attempted to start a conversation but I tuned him out. Normally I'd be all for it but not today.

No, today I had other things on my mind. "Excuse me," I muttered as I walked to the edge of the road.  "Zelena," a voice whispered. Facing the sound, I walked forward. The woods called to me. I obeyed walking further and further into it. Trees whipped against my face as I broke into a run. The next moment I was flying through the air. My face connected with the hard ground below.

Laying face forward on the ground, I looked ahead. The trees loomed over me and the clouds covered the sky. "Hello, dearie," came the high-pitched voice of a man. "You're disappointing. I thought you would've been closer to the flower by now," the voice said again. Groaning I lifted myself up, sitting on my haunches. 

Before me stood Rumpelstiltskin. His sickly looking skin still shined, even though no light was cast upon him. His evergreen eyes darted over me. His lips pulled into a smirk.  "It's about time you leave the pirate, Zelena." Slowly I shook my head, "No." He stalked towards me. "Oh dearie, here's the thing, I'm not suggesting it. I'm telling you," he said fiercely. Eyes narrowed, brow furrowed, he looked down at me.

Everything about him was menacing. A shiver ran down my back. I could not tell whether it was from fear or something else completely. Before I couldn't see it but now I do. He was evil. In every way possible he was. His heart was dark as coal and there was no speck of light inside of him, no hope.

He brought his hand up sending me flying against a tree. "Understand," he asked, anger filling his voice. THis man would not hesitate to kill me if the opportunity presented itself. I surely did not want to give him it. I nodded feebly. "Good," he stated. As he turned, I fell to the ground. 

"Oh and don't forget Zelena. You haven't got a lot of time left," he said laughing. Rumpelstiltskin left in a cloud of smoke leaving me lost in the middle of the forest. 

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