1) The beginning

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I trudged up the stairs, hunched by the weight of this final box. My feet dragged across the plastic surface, before my back pushed open my door.

This was it: new flat, new job, new life. I had left all of, well, most of my worries behind. All that was left now was to unpack...


Moving methodically, I began with the kitchen, before moving onto the bathroom and putting all my stuff into all of my stuff cupboards.

Really fun, let me tell you.

Sighing, I gave up. Unpacking was hard, and I just wanted to crawl into bed and read now. Scrambling around, I created a mess of clothes across my bedroom floor, in an attempt to find my pyjamas. Let's just leave it at that my floordrobe didn't take long to make!

Finally, after struggling long and hard with these stupid sleeves and neck holes (why did society tell me to not sleep in a toga! Oh, wait, that was just my mum...), I clambered into my double bed, a luxury that I might admit was my favourite part of this flat, and promptly fell out again, realising that I had left my Kindle on the sofa.

After rectifying that tragedy, I clambered into bed again, resolving to finish this book. After all, I only had about five more chapters to go. OK, maybe it was ten, but I was sure that I could finish them before I fell asleep. Right? Wrong.

I woke up the next morning with a crooked neck and droplets of drool adorning my beloved Kindle. Urgently, I wiped the screen on my covers, before instantly regretting not giving up on the last two chapters, despite reading the same line about a million times. Hey, I couldn't just abandon them!

I rolled out of bed, stumbling into the kitchen to find my phone, wondering about the date. Flippers! I start my new job tomorrow! Rushing now, since I had managed to sleep in until eleven, I blitzed around the rest of the boxes, literally throwing things into place, until I cracked a vase that the previous owners had so kindly left me. It was ugly anyway, so I threw it out the window.

Eventually, I was pretty much there, every box finished with, except the books, which I needed another bookcase for. Groaning, I collapsed onto the sofa, checking the time on my Fitbit, and deciding to email my new boss just to check what time I should be there.

My new job. Junior editor at the Yogscast. Some would probably kill to do that and work with their idols, but to me? It was just a fun job that payed the bills.

Office GirlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin