2) The Next Bit

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Sometimes, I just wonder why. Why do I put myself through this? Yes, you guessed it, I went for a run that evening. Yeah, I totally agree, I am a complete and utter idiot.

Crashing out on my bed, I groaned as I strip, carefully peeling my damp clothes from my aching muscles. Clumsily, I stumbled into my shower, attempting, and failing, to relieve that deep set pain. I continued to groan as I dry myself off with my amazing new towel that is just oh so fluffy and soft.

What has my life come to? Where did my not-so-crazy mind go? Oh, yeah. I never had one.

Slowly, I crawled into my floordrobe, grabbing any two items of clothing that I could wear as pyjamas. After yet again fighting to put them on, I scrambled to my kitchen, deciding that soup and instant noodles would do for food tonight.

Gobbling up the contents of my overflowing bowl, I shuffled over to the dishwasher, before deciding that I would just wash it by hand. Gotta save that extra bit of cash! I left it out to dry, stumbling into my bed, falling asleep to the distant beat of some dude's party.


Flippers! I start my new job today! Holy shippers! That's just freaking amazing!

Leaping out of bed, I instantly regretted the decision, remembering that I forgot to stretch out after my unfortunate run yesterday. Limping now, I checked the time. It was 8:00, I still had two more hours. Well, one and a half giving that I'll be walking.

Lost in my thoughts, I absent mindedly poured myself out an elderflower cordial - I never liked coffee and right now I need sugar. Wincing, I realised that I made it way too strong, and so I resorted to pouring it out into a water bottle, in order to dilute it more.

Moving on, I grabbed a slice of bread to toast as well as my three kilo bucket of Nutella that I received as a present at Christmas. Considering that it was spring, I think that it lasted pretty damn well.

Savouring the taste of my breakfast, I decided to forgo a shower this morning as I could still smell the shampoo in my hair from last night. After clearing my mess away, I fetched some clean clothes that I actually managed to keep out of my floordrobe, having deciding that a good impression would probably be, well, good.

With jeans and a long sleeve top on, I tied a lightweight hoodie round my waist and clipped my keys to a belt loop, a trick I learnt when I was younger. Grabbing my phone and shoving my beloved red Converse on, I jogged out of the door, noticing that I was nearly running late.

I then looked at my Fitbit again, and realised that I actually has an extra half an hour, so I decided to have a nice sit down in the park nearby. Secretly, I needed to check out the directions I wrote myself again.

Leisurely, I walked though the streets of Bristol, taking my time and double checking where I'm going. I eventually reached the address, albeit ten minutes early.

I found the intercom, buzzing it, hoping that someone's in. After a brief, awkward pause that seems to last at least five minutes, I heard a tired voice on the other end.

"Who is it?" They asked. I'm pretty sure I heard them yawn.

"Oh, um. It's Laura, the new girl. I'm the-" I began, being cut off by the beep of the door is unlocking. I sighed, entering, relieved that I wasn't stranded outside. Shutting the door, I trudged up stairs, wondering what lies ahead, just up this set of stairs.

Jees, I sound like some sappy person quoting a book. Oh, wait. I probably do do the quoting books thing. I guess that that's what I get for being addicted to reading them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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