Chapter 1: Shiloh

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Chapter 1: Shiloh

Harold and June were married at the ages of 24 and 23. They were brought together like most the people in White. S.E.E would alert anyone when they had found what S.E.E decided was their ideal mate. After sufficient time to acquaint themselves, and some time for some modest preparations, they were married. They were a good, decent couple and were happy to be together. Grateful to S.E.E. even. In about one year after their marriage they had their first of two children, Shiloh.

Shiloh was a more than usual energetic child when it came to learning. He kept his parents busy with all of his questions and it was a challenge trying to keep up. He was always curious about everything. Harold and June always tried their best to answer by consulting S.E.E, but sometimes they didn't have the time and Shiloh just went on making his own conclusion to things. 

For example, one time when Shiloh was four years old he was on a walk with his mother and asked her, "Why does everyone dress the same? I wanna wear something else," but June was on the phone and did not hear him. So Shiloh never had a confirmed answer as to why everyone dressed the same and whether or not he was allowed to change from his plain white clothes. He didn't bother to ask her again, he had a slight feeling that it was one of his questions that his mother would struggle to answer and not quite make clear because she never had thought to ask it herself and so she didn't really have an answer to it.  So it was left cooking in his mind.

Shiloh was aware that there were many things that his parents couldn't answer. Even though they seemed like basic questions, for some reason they hadn't even crossed his parents minds. Or if they had, they had been convinced of one thing. Don't ask questions. Questions are bad. S.E.E doesn't like questions.


One day when Shiloh was 12 his parents were busy feeding their stubborn 3 year old; Demure, he was left alone and he went to the closet in his room; it was a small door at eye level, that contained 3 canisters of Fabrican "White," and a mannequin made just that month to match his build; to create the clothes on. His hazel eyes stared at the clothing spray for a few minutes just considering the things he could do. He took one of the cans to look at the ingredients:

Cotton, and Plastic Solvents 

What kind of ingredients list is that? Frustrated, he sprayed a bit of it in his hands, waited a couple seconds for it to dry, and took out his microscope he won for receiving first prize in a science fair when he was 9.  He put his sample in, switched it on and looked at the screen as it loaded the results.Finally it gave some brief, but more informative, answers.

[[Polymer]]: A chemical compound consisting of repeating structural units created through a process of polymerization. Low molecular mass. This sample is a mixture of both synthetic and natural polymers. Bright colors are obtained by adjusting the size of polymer spheres without any pigment or dyes after the process of synthesizing by emulsion polymerization and blending with colloidal silica to obtain a nanocomposite dispersion.

Shiloh had a little more information. Next was to figure out if he should take the time to try and find a way to adjust his Fabrican and show others so there could be some variety; or if it really mattered what everyone is wearing and if he should focus on the bigger picture. That being, everyone doesn't just dress the same, but they think, act, smell, and judge the same. Their judge was S.E.E and it guided this world lacking in it's own conscientiousness. He concluded that changing the color of his clothes would be a pointless gesture;  most likely nobody would realize the significance of it. Except maybe S.E.E and they might not like it.

Something inside Shiloh was nagging at him and it made his heart thud with nervousness. He felt as though there was a tiny little version of himself in the back of his brain just screaming. It was faint, but noticeable, and he couldn't tell if it was saying something or not but it was starting to get to him. He realized he was sweating and slightly shaking so he put some music on to drown out the voice. It wasn't a complete cure, but the crescendos and smooth deep sounds of cellos helped him relax.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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