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Today was supposed to be the day he conjured his biggest challenge yet, confessing to Lucy, he started off the day with a bath that was just slightly below boiling. He scrubbed his body from head to toe like he's never before. If he was going to make a good impression he had to dress and smell the part. Instead of his classic sleeveless orange and black get up, he wore a long sleeved white button up, with a black jacket and slacks to match. He wanted to look as charming as possible for the apple of his eye. He then began heading to the guild, but of course not before he picked up a bouquet of Lucy's favorite flowers. Now he was truly ready. He had been planning for this singular day months in advance, the only thing that had been keeping him from telling her how he truly felt was the intense feeling in his chest contracting his every breath. He stood outside the guild for what seemed like hours, he kept telling himself he could do this. He was Natsu after all, there was nothing he wouldn't overcome. He put his trembling hand on the bright doors as he let out the breath that he was unknowingly holding. This singular moment decided his future with the one he had affection toward. He regretfully gained the strength to push the doors wide open and was greeted to a sight that he would never have expected.

There she was, the golden haired beauty that he spent all these years pining after. Except instead of running into her arms, she just stared at him with wide eyes while she was in a tight embrace of another man. Never has she once expressed even another form of attraction to another man, but there she was firmly tucked in Loke's arms. He was so nervous that his ears blocked out all the ruckus that was surrounding the couple, all he could see was Lucy with Loke. Everybody turned towards Natsu with a gleeful stare that soon turned into a confused one. They had never seen Natsu dress so professionally before and to say they were all shocked was an understatement. Whispers soon began to transfer from the seemingly happy couple to the absolutely crushed Natsu. He needed to hide his true feelings from his guild, he already felt mortified enough at this point. He needed out, but he knew that would arouse too much suspicion.

"Natsu I'm so glad you're here now!" Loke was the first to break the pregnant pause.

"Lucy and I have something to tell you, we are officially dating!" Natsu puts on a fake smile and tries to conceal everything that he feels deep down. He wanted to scream, to cry, he just wanted to run away, but he knew none of those were options now.

"Wow, congrats you too! When did this happen, not going to lie you guys shocked the hell outta me?" Natsu said with his signature toothy grin, the only thing different about this smile was the dead and hurt eyes he had showing out in the open. Truly no way to hide them, but one person observing from the corner did. She saw them, because she knew what it was like to own them herself.

"Well Lucy needed help a while back with some research about the other keys and of course I was the right person to go to. I always knew how I felt towards her, so I never once tried to hide my true intentions and eventually my flirting and charming ways got to her!" He replied back to Natsu with a sly gleeful grin spread across his face. Loke was truly lucky to have Lucy right there in his grasp. If only that were him.

"We couldn't be happier, what is with the flowers and the attire? Both are not very Natsu like." Lucy asked Natsu with the same confused expression as everyone else. He had to use the quick wits that he had to come up with something quick.

"I uhh, I'm actually about to head out on a date. I met her last week when I was eating with Happy and decided to shoot my shot and well here I am. I had some time before the date, so I thought I would look at some jobs first if you'll excuse me."

"Natsu? With a date? Who would have ever thought?" Both Lucy and Loke teased. Natsu felt a whole different kind of heart with those words. Is he undesirable for some reason? What did he ever do? The entire guild erupted in the usual banter and brawls and Natsu escaped out the back with a huff and puff of fresh air. He has never felt like this in his life and he truly doesn't even know where to begin picking up the broken pieces of his newly battered heart. He was too busy trying to contain his emotions that he didn't even see the bluenette sneak up on him.

"Um Natsu san?" Juvia's sweet voice squeezed out.

"Oh Juvia, didn't even see you there. Whats up?" He turned towards Juvia with the same fake smile and heart broken eyes that could fool anyone but her right now.

"Juvia..I mean I saw what happened in there. Um Natsu, I just wanted to say that the same thing practically happened to me this morning with my precious Gray sama-I mean Gray. I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you. Would it be ok if Juv..I could be your shoulder to cry on for today." Now at this point in time they both were on the brink of tears from heartache and couldn't do anything, but comfort each other.

"Juvia" Natsu choked out. "I would be honored as long as I can be your shoulder as well." With that they slowly headed to Natsu's house hand in hand where they would spend the rest of the night talking, crying, and bonding with one another. 

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