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After yesterday's previous events, Natsu and Juvia ended up spending the night entangled in each other's limbs as they had one of the most sound comforting sleep since they were children. Juvia being made of water cooled Natsu down to the touch while Natsu's body exerted an enormous amount of heat warming Juvia to her very core. The both snored and slept like nothing had even happened yesterday, their sweet dreams were washing the worries away. That would soon come to a halt as Juvia began to stir, she was naturally an early riser, while Natsu was a late sleeper.

Juvia's mind was blank as she stared up at the slightly snoring pink hair man. She noticed his sharp features and his bed head that she had yet to have noticed before. Her and Natsu have never been the closest, the only time they interacted was when Gray would try and throw away the bentos that Juvia worked hours on in the morning, and Natsu would steal them. Back then she was so head over heals for a guy that had never shown any interest in her, that when Natsu graciously excepted her food she was furious that it wasn't Gray himself. How could she be so foolish. She let a tear slip as her mind began to wonder.

Looking at Natsu, she was reminded of a well known fact about him and that way his love for food. She might dare say his love for food was greater than his love for my former love rival. She took a peak in his fridge to find nothing but emptiness. She was still in her guild attire from the night before so she decided just to sneak out to gather some ingredients, she wouldn't be gone for more that thirty minutes, she'll make sure of it. She was determined to begin cooking before Natsu woke up. Cooking was her much needed coping mechanism, and she was sure eating would have to be a small part of Natsu's.

Juvia happily strolled the market looking for fresh vegetables and eggs, when she spotted her former and maybe still current favorite navy haired man. They locked eyes only for a second and Juvia's breath hitched. 'He looks so handsome today' Juvia couldn't help but think. She tried to shake her thoughts away, but she caught another glimpse of Gray this time much closer than the last. 'Was he header her way?' Juvia thought while her nerves kicked in and her palms instantly started to sweat.

"Um Juvia, can we talk for a minute?" Gray asked her while looking directly into Juvia's deep blue eyes. She felt like Gray was staring into her soul attempting to steal it all for himself.

"Juv..I am on a time schedule right now, is there any way we could talk later?" Juvia's n]knees felt weak. She really needed to get back to Natsu soon. 'oh no, what if he's already awake and he thinks I abandoned him?'

"It'll just take a moment Juves." He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards a more private area in the market.

"I am truly sorry for what I said to you yesterday Juves. I was just so annoyed with an encounter I had with Lyon that morning that when you rushed towards me I panicked. Juvia you don't have to accept me now, but the truth is. I think I actually do have feelings for you. Again just think about it." and with that he left an emotionally confused Juvia. She attempted to disregard every thought about Gray during the rest of her market trip, she had been infatuated with him for years making it painfully obvious. He snapped yesterday and yelled at her saying he had no chance that he would ever like me back and yet not even 24 later he's contradicting his statement. It doesn't take away all the hurt she felt last night, and all the pain she has felt time after time when he rejected her. She couldn't believe what she had heard. Her anger fuels her as she walks back to Natsu's house in record time to be welcomed by a sleepy happy.

"Good morning Happy, is Natsu away yet?" Juvia smiles at him while walking in and he just shakes his head no murmuring something about he could never wake up this early even if his life depended on it. This was perfect, she could finally begin to cook and clear her anxious and angry mind.

"Sniff" "Sniff" "What's that heavenly smell" "Oh god my nose might just explode for sensory overload." Natsu follows the smell to find a glistening Juvia cooking on his barely used stove.

"Wow Juvia! You really didn't have to prepare all this for me!"

"It's really no problem Natsu, I find this very therapeutic actually and needed it." Juvias faded as she thought of her Gray encounter at the market. Natsu could instantly tell something was wrong with the water mage. She has such a bright and joyful spirit he could instantly tell when that brightness in her dims. Sleeping next to her and hanging out with her all night really bonded them in a way that was difficult for Natsu to describe. The only person he could read like this was Lucy, but even that took months of going on missions with her and spending almost every wake moment with her. He brushed off the feeling and asked her what was wrong.

"You can't lie to me Juvia, I know that you seem off."

"Gray was at the market that I went to this morning. I hadn't seen him since he yelled at me yesterday telling me that he would never even consider the possibility of him liking me back, to pull me aside and tell me that he "thinks" he has feelings for me" Natsu felt this overwhelming feeling of anger. He couldn't describe it, but it was almost like the dragon inside him wanted to break free and murder Gray. His mind was so confused, yah he hated the guy, but why did his feelings toward Juvia effect me at all.

"Well what did you say to him Juves?"

"I didn't say anything to him yet, he walked away telling me to think about it."

"I think you should just punch him then reject him and call it a day" Natsu said as he tried to sound like he was joking but in reality he wanted to do so much worse to the ice sickle for unexplained reasons. He heard Juvia giggle which instantly made his heart warm up.

"I'll worry about it another time, but for now breakfast is ready!"  

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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