So much pain

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I could tell it in his voice. By the way he talked. He seemed upset. Lower than usual. As he sat down he seemed tired. Not sleepy, but tired. Worn out. It looked like he had been crying. As he calmly explained the situation, my eyes filled with tears. Cancer? How could I have cancer? I was perfectly healthy yesterday. As tears silently stream down my face he gave me the technicalities of my situation. All I heard was that I only had a couple weeks to live. He held me close and kissed my head. I knew why he had cried. As my dad he must have been just as devastated as me. My tears got warmer and fell faster. My crying was no longer silent. I grabbed my phone and purse. I ran out of his office. He chased me as I crossed the street to my car. He yelled at me to watch out for the car but I didn't listen. It almost hit me. But he shoved me first. And now he won't get to feel sorry about my cancer. He won't feel anything anymore. Because I killed him. I was so wrapped up in myself that I led him in front of that car. It's my fault. And I will spend my last few weeks thinking about it.

don't deal with the pain yourself . you might hurt someone else by pushing them away. just open up and let them help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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