Brief Prologue

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My life right now is between awesome and sucky. I like the least popular boy, but the most popular is the one that likes me. For some reason, they despise each other. I can see it when they glance at each other. There's hatred in their eyes. Something that I've never seen before. Almost like they're not even the same species.

My name is Callie Sorgen. I grew up not knowing my dad. He died when I was a little girl. My mom works three jobs and is almost never home. In a week, she stops by once or twice to drop off some food. We live in a small house that has two floors. One is mine, the other is entirely covered with memories of my dad. My mom thinks that he'll be back. In my heart I know he won't. No one gets captured by Scay Mount. Scay Mount is an organization that captures people, expiriments with them, and kills them. The experiments done to the 'subjects ' vary. They can be tortured, mutated, or tested on. My dad's body was never discovered, leading the police to believe he was dead.

Little did I know, he was anything but dead.

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