Chapter one

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At Jacobs Sichuan High School, people don't have much issues. Other than drugs and that kind of stuff. Well, at least most people don't. I, on the other hand, have many problems. I am the captain of the chearleaders squad, president of student council, member of the math club, and founder of the charity club. Obviously, I'm very popular. That's also another issue. You have to watch your back. One moment people like you, the next they stab you in the back. I have a very good reputation at school, and I plan to keep it that way.

On my way to AP Chemistry, my best friend Chloe came up and said she wanted to talk to me. Since my friend Chloe is the weirdo she is, no offense Chloe, she started talking about anime and cartoons. By the time I got her to calm down, we were almost to our class. I forgot to mention, Chloe isn't pronounced Kloey, it's pronounced Ch-loe, exactly how it's spelled. Like in cheese, chocolate, or check. Chloe tends to get off track sometimes. She finally told me the news that she heard from a 'very reliable' source, that Jason was going to ask me to prom during the last football game. Jason is my so called boyfriend, but I noticed someone else. There's a new kid named Mason who seems interesting so far. He takes interest in the same things I do. I like Jason and all that, but he's just basically walking muscle. No intellect what so ever. I, on the other hand, have a little skill of everything.

I train for running, dancing, boxing, and volleyball. I do flute and piano as fine arts, and I take all AP classes. Including chinese. That's my second language. I do all of these things by having good time management. I do something, and at the same time do something else as a break. For example, when I get tired of running, I study for tests. Or I record the teacher and listen to him or her when I'm dancing. See? Perfect system. Well, until Mason ruined it.

I was on my way to cheer practice and he was in my way. I nicely asked him to move, but he wouldn't. "Hey, what's your deal?" I asked. He remained silent. Now I was in a rush, becuase I had been standing here for five minutes. I pushed him out of the way and ran to practice. When I got there, there was a bunch of chaos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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