BONUS! Thirteen Facts About Me

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First off, I would like to thank noodle-hair for tagging me in this and also critiquing this story till the very end! Your critiques were very helpful and I hope we can keep in touch for times to come.

Secondly, the customary rules: (Sighs)

1. You must post all the rules

2. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

3. You must do it within a week of nomination, otherwise punishments will be earned (I'm not sure whether spoiling the next Game of Thrones episode is included as a punishment).

4. You cannot do it in your comments, but it must be done in one of your books.

5. When you're done, try to tag 15 people.

Done. Let's consign these rules to the place they belong- Never Never Land.

And finally, the meal of the hour:

13 Facts About Me

1. My real name isn't Danny, but is somewhat close to that. Danny's easier to pronounce than my traditional sounding Indian one.

2. I'm a Hindu, though I'm agnostic at times. Speaking of my religious preference, I'm neither a devout bigot nor an irreligious apostate, but fit in neatly between the two.

3. I always experiment with my looks, depending on the time of year. I grow a full-on beard with long hair during the summer and winter, but for the rest of the depressing year I look just like a measly 16-year old.

4. I have a dream that I will be a legendary filmmaker or even author, with worldwide recognition one day. And I'm pushing myself to ensure that this dream doesn't slip away.

5. I am a public speaker and have taken part in public speaking competitions. My shot to fame was in this year's Malaysian public speaking competition organized by the English Speaking Union. I managed to fight my way to the final round, though didn't win it unfortunately. Never mind, there's still next year :D 

6. I am a die-hard fan of How To Get Away With Murder and Quantico. For the old-time classics, it's gotta be two awesome shows- How I Met Your Mother and Friends. Just like what noodle-hair said, I too prefer How I Met Your Mother. But Friends has a special place in my heart(thanks to its theme song!)

7. I'm very very competitive in education and writing. Back in lower secondary, I used to go full-on fighting with a boy in my class, who used to finish above me in the class rankings (Childish much?). That sort of destroyed our friendship, and made me an even more competitive freak.

8. I'm trilingual- I speak English, Malay and also Hindi since it's my mother tongue. Speaking Hindi instead of Tamil is quite weird in a country where the majority of the Indian diaspora is Tamil-speaking.

9. I love Bollywood movies, especially their songs! You ask me about any movie and I bet you I've already seen it! My favourite Bollywood movie would be Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Kal Ho Naa Ho noodle-hair perhaps you'll understand my obsession with these movies.

10. I love staying up late at night, and it's always used for productive writing. Most of the times, I am able to make significant progress on writing at these times.

11. Since I'm planning to be a scriptwriter, I have not made the transition to write full-on novels that have 30 or 35 chapters. Instead, I write my stories in parts. Hence, that's why each part is significantly longer than a normal chapter, but the story itself is way shorter than big, thick novels.

12. I'd choose Harry Potter over LOTR.

13. I hope to live in one of these four cities when I start working- Kuala Lumpur(my current city), London(Second home), Los Angeles or Melbourne.

14. I love Indian food and that's the only kind of food that makes me happy.

15. I'm a confused person (Can't elaborate on this much!)

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