Chapter One: Thursday

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"Hey nerd,-"

The voice belonged to none other than Dean Winchester, star quarter back of the Lawrence High Bull Sharks. Castiel could tell who it was without even looking at his face.

"Where ya going, huh?" Hands grab the back of Castiel's bag, pulling his to the floor of the school's hallway. "Guess what? Mr. Haniken says my English grades are low again, guess who he assigned as my tutor?"

Castiel refused to meet his eyes with Deans, even after he bent down to eye level as Castiel sat on the ground. Dean's hand still on Castiel's bag.

"I said guess!" His hand jerks from Castiel's bag to his hair as he grabs all the hair his gready hands can get and yanks at it, forcing Castiel's eyes to meet his own.

"I-I don't know,-" it's all Castiel can get out before Dean is grabbing him, picking him up and, pushing him against the lockers. Castiel see's stars as his head hit's the lockers, who's dark navy blue paint is chipping off because they haven't been repainted since the school was built.

"You are, and I'll be damned if I flunk because he decided to put me with some faggot nerd like you. You are going to do all my upcoming assignments without a word spoken to Mr. Haniken. Got it?" Castiel can only nod his head before the bell rings signaling it's first period. Dean stalks off to find his team mates probably going to relive what he did to Castiel.

Castiel hated Dean with all he had to give, but at the same time he liked Dean. They had been friends once, split apart because Dean's father claimed Castiel had intentions of doing things to Dean. Forcing his 'ways' upon Dean. Castiel didn't know what that meant at the time, he was only 9 after all, but as soon as high school hit... He knew who he was and why Dean hated his guts.

It's not his fault he liked the same gender, he just did. He tried dating girls and it took his mind away from things and how bad they had gotten for awhile, but that was before Dean has spread that rumor about how Castiel had gotten a disease from fucking an older guy. Which wasn't true at all, he hadn't done anything with anyone before. He was still a virgin and the saddest reason is it's because he was saving himself for someone who hated him.

Dean Winchester.


"How was school today, Cas?" Anna asked putting what looked to be a lasagna in the oven.

"Same as usual." Castiel dropped his bag off by the door, turning to go to his room but Gabriel stopped him.

"As your oldest brother, I want you to tell me why you've been acting differently all of the sudden." Had Castiel been acting differently, he surely hadn't noticed if he was.

"What are you guys talking about?" 

Anna sighed, wiping her hands on a towel hung over the oven handle.

"Do you want me to talk to him or do you want to talk, Gabe?" Gabriel just signaled her off before releasing a sigh of his own. Anna smiles back taking a seat at their kitchen table, Gabe turned back to Castiel telling him to have a seat as well.

"What's going on, if you had told me this morning we were going to have an intervention I wouldn't have come home." A small chuckle escapes both their mouths before another long pause.

"I wanted to have a talk with you, and it's okay if you don't want to go into depth, but I just wanted you to know that both Anna and I know." Anna and Gabriel share multiple glances between both themselves and Castiel.

"You know what, exactly?" Castiel is sly, trying to keep himself from doing anything un-rational. Do they know about his sexuality, he knew he shouldn't have kept this from them, but he was so scared.

"We know, that you may not have such a good... time at school." Anna's voice was soft, soothing, comforting.

Castiel doesn't have anything to say, everything he had prepared for in his head was not what they had been talking about. Caught off guard and left with his mouth gaping lead to Gabriel picking up where Anna left off.

"We got a letter from a Mary Winchester, she explained that she found some of your sketch books in her sons room. That he had stolen them from you is what else she explains... Why didn't you say anything, Cas? That Dean, of all people, was picking on you?"

"I don't know. I thought he would leave me alone, but he just never stopped. It just got worse and worse and I didn't know how to stop it..." Castiel's voice just above a whisper now.

"Well we have arranged with the school for something to be done. Dean's mother and father will be coming to the school as well as Dean himself. And to think you too used to be friends..." Gabriel get up from his seat, obviously enraged by what has been going on, if he knew any more than what he does now, he might try and hunt down Dean himself.

A/N- I am finally branching out of my comfort zone and I have decided to collaborate with a couple of authors. You will be seeing their work coming up shortly. 

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