"Coincidental, my ass."

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Hermione Granger was exhausted.

Her new job demanded cruel hours of work, with relentless calls for missing people and frantic calls from family members. Her mind was on constant overdrive and breaks and vacations were a rare treat.

An old owl swooped into her open office owl window. Sighing, Hermione picked up the envelope tied to the bird's leg and opened it.

Justin Finch-Fletchley, last seen Ashbury Lane...

The sharp ring of the telephone in her office snapped Hermione out of her stupor. Justin Finch-Fle-

"Hello, Head of Missing Persons Department Hermione Granger speaking, how can I help you?" Hermione rolled out, emotionless. Her job required her to act very sympathetic and have feelings for the caller when it was all just part of the process.

"Hello? Hello, Hermione? Is that you?" the voice asked frantically.

Hermione frowned. "Um, yes? Who is speaking?"

"Never mind that," the voice cut in. "Draco Malfoy, the ex-Death Eater. You know him?"

"Uh," Hermione was taken rather aback. She hadn't heard from the Malfoy's in eight years- so to hear of their son was really peculiar.  "Yes," she found herself answering. "I do but-"

"He's disappeared." the voice hissed frantically. "Listen, send a team, anyone, or you, to find him or-"

"We'll add him to the list of Missing Persons, and-"

"No, no, no!" the voice said, eerily panicked now. "You have to find him- please-"

"Do you have special requests for a team of Aurors to be dispatched now?"

"No, but-"

"We'll keep in touch for the next few days," Hermione said, yawning internally.

"No, wait!" The voice snapped. "He's got to be found-"

"Why? Who are y-"

"We'll all be killed!" The voice screeched. Hermione blinked. She then heard that the caller had hung up.

She stood up and went to her Priority Board. It took up a whole wall, full to the brim with pieces of parchment temporarily stuck to the board in the order of their dispatch. Sighing, Hermione conjured a new piece of parchment, stuck it on the board and wrote the name with her favourite quill with a flourished sweep:

Draco Malfoy, last seen: unknown.

"Hey Davis!" she called out suddenly. A handsome man in his early thirties entered the room, a stack of parchment hovering behind him. "I'm calling it a day today, tell everyone else finish the case they're on now and then wrap up."

Davis grinned. "Sure thing, Miss Granger. Oh, and here are the files of the cases we have right now, Miss."

"How many cases?"

"102, Miss Granger."

Hermione smiled gratefully. Davis was a huge asset to the Department and his organisational skills were outstanding.  "Thank you," she said, flicking her wand at the stack of parchment. It swung over to her desk and landed with a thunk.

She glanced back at her Priority Board. With her wand, she rearranged the order to her liking then proceeded to lock up her office for the day.


Her home was a main haven for Hermione.

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