Chapter Two

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Peggy's Perspective

I don't know what to say or do. I'm frozen, starting at John as though he hasn't said a word, but my mind is racing.

I want to be supportive, to be happy that he's come to terms with himself, to be proud of him for knowing what makes him happy. At the same time, this is my John- my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first date. He tells me jokes when I'm sad and walks me home from his house even when it's raining and never forgets to call me to say good night. He's the one who doesn't treat me like the little sister, the one who brings me flowers when I've had a bad day, the one who always kisses me goodbye.

And now it's over.

I can't help it; tears are streaming down my cheeks and I'm sniffling. "Is that all I ever was? Just a cover-up so you didn't have to tell anyone the truth?" I feel so ugly saying these words, like I've just stabbed him and every syllable presses the knife in deeper.

John pulls me close and lets me lay my head on his shoulder. "Shhh, of course not, sweetheart. I liked you a lot, and I still love you. Just not romantically. That doesn't mean that all the times I called you beautiful were lies.
"I love you, and you're absolutely gorgeous- I just see that in a different way. You're still my best friend, Margarita."

I hate my full name, but I laugh when he uses it. When I pick my head up, I notice the tearstains that I've left on the shoulder of his sweater.
"I don't know why I'm acting surprised. I guess I always knew, ya know?" I sniffle a little.
"I'm so sorry, darling."
I wipe my eyes on the hem of my dress (thank God I wore my dance shorts under it today).

"Don't be sorry. I'm proud of you for accepting who you are. Now, first things first. A cinnamon roll like you needs a boyfriend, and I've got the perfect person in mind."

John's Perspective

Two minutes later, we're back at the table, and Peggy's got an evil plan in place. I'm talking to Alex when she rushes up, face flushed and dress stained with something dark and sticky.
"Yeah, John, your car's kaput. I don't know what happened to it. Looks like you'll have to find a ride for my party tonight."

Lafayette opens his mouth to offer a ride (he's my neighbor) and closes it with a small yelp of pain. Peggy's just brought her heeled boot down on his foot.
"I can bring you," Alex offers. "What's the matter with the car?"
"It looks like some cables got disconnected," she says, shrugging. Then she shows me something hidden in her purse: a bundle of greasy cables, bound together with zip ties and wrapped in napkins.

I elbow her and then grin at Alex. "Thanks! Hopefully I can get my car fixed soon." I glare at Peggy, who laughs.
"I know a place that'll take five minutes to put it all together."
She's a little demon, that one.

The bell rings, and Peggy, Laf, and Hercules run off to class. It's just me and Alex now, alone at the table with the last of lunch.
"So what was up with you and Peggy?" He looks curious, playing with the dregs of his soda, swirling then around in the can. "I saw her, like, crying and then laughing and now she's stomping feet and hiding stuff. She's certainly got something up her sleeve."

Peggy does indeed have something up her sleeve- a giant grease mark from disconnecting my battery cables- but I don't say anything.
"I...came out to her as gay. She now has some insane plan to get the two of us together or something. Something that involved removing cables and fuses from my car."
Alex looks impressed. "I'm proud of you- but how can she do that?"
"Eliza- her older sister- has had a lot of angry rages after breakups. Let's just say she goes all Carrie Underwood and Peggy has learned to help."

"Oh yes, the infamous Schuyler Sisters. I know Peggy's small and fierce and adorable, like a little hamster. What about the others?" Alexander sits forward, throwing his adorable features into greater definition.
"Well, Eliza's the middle sister. She's strong emotionally, and she has the most beautiful singing voice. She's very pretty. to describe her? She's strong-willed. She's very intelligent, and she likes to talk to people. She's planned tonight's party. Peggy always does Halloween, and Eliza does winter. They're, like, always in sync."

"What are their house parties like?"
"Well, Eliza knows a guy, so there's usually beer or something. Peggy picks the music, and Angelica does everything else. Someone always ends up debating with her, and they end up in a fight. Stereotypical high school party. They're a lot of fun, though."

"Can I have your number?" Alex says abruptly. When I look surprised he adds, "so you can text me your address and I can pick you up tonight."
"Yeah, sure." I take Alex's cell phone and type in my number and name (John Laurens 🐢🐢🐢). Then I slide it back to him. A minute later my phone chimes.

Unknown number: Hi. Why the turtles?
Me: I love turtles! I have three- Margarita, Baguette, and Tortoise.
Alexander 📖: Margarita? LOL
Me: Peggy gave her to me.
Alexander 📖: Of course she did.

I head off to class, waving to Alex and hoping Peggy knows what she's doing with my car.

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