15 facts

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So the lovely FemCanada1  decided to tag me. I rly don't understand how to do this but I'll try. I guess just put 15 facts about myself?? Here goes...

1. I am a major couch potato. I am actually sitting on a couch right now.

2. I have threatened half my grade at school that I would stab them with a pencil. I got student of the month and when I asked my friend why I got it she said it was bcause I was 'a good kid' I I asked if trying to stab five guys, and three girls while being held back by two girls after already stabbing one dude all with a pencils is being good?

3. I am majorly obsessed with Danny phantom, Kim possible, attack on Titan, hetalia, young justice, batman, staving people with pencils, wolverine, spidypool, supernatural, chocolate milk, and a bunch of other things.

4. My mom owns The Barker Shop down in rock springs. if u ever take your pet there I might have talked to you. I help as much as my mom will let me but I mainly sit on the couch.

5. I am 14 I think. I can't really remember my age cause I have terrible memory. I mainly write important things down on my arm in pen or sharpe.

6. I hate when people can't pronounce my name. So every time I meat someone I just tell them to call me batman or anything cause I even answer to mom, freak, potato, hey you, and a couple of other things.

7. I just graduated 8th grade but I still can't spell Lockett split.

8. I still don't know how to do this tag thing and I really want to go back to sleep. But I'm trying to take this seriously.

9. I think I have A.D.H.D. Cause like almost everyone I meat at school ask if I have medicine for it.

10. I will try to stab you if I hear you talking trash about anything I love. Especially my ships and my cat.

11. I have at least 10 story drafts on this wattpad that I have been working on ish. I haven't published them cause I want to finish them then publish a chapter a week or something but I just feel like imma get either no reads cause their stupid or a lot of hate comments.

12. I have at least 5 notebooks full of random fanfic ideas but I haven't started any of them yet.

13. I am really depressed a lot but if u ever meat me in person I seem like the happiest person alive. I don't really show any other emotion unless it's to my two friends. We're like sisters so I emotion all over them. Anyone else ask me about how I feel about anything other then what I want to talk about and I will just shrug and say I don't know.

14. Most of the songs in my personal play list is songs that would make normal people cry. And no matter how badly I want to cry I can't. I haven't cried SENCE I split my head open on my 'dads' fridge then a week later sliced my foot on a can lid. That happened when I was 5.

15. I love to cook. If I ever come over to visit and stay for dinner, just let me do the cooking. I will cook what ever you want me to them I will bake like three cakes a dozen cup cakes and start making rock candy. I will bring all the ingredients if I have to.

So I guess that's how I do this?? I really want to go back to sleep I imma tag some people. 


I guess that's all?? So I'm going back to sleep. Thanks for tagging me tho!!

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