Moving On.

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     A year later on the 26th of July, I watched the scenery pass as I looked out the window of the car. I thought back to the case that fateful day.

     Back-up came in shortly after my duel with the Piped Piper. Turns out, he's immortal too. So we're back to cat and mouse. I'm back to my immortal self. Agent James Berkly died from anaphylactic shock. Special Agent Nikoli Schneider (yep, me) died in the line of duty, rescuing the 129 children. The perpetrator got away and the case has gone cold. Special Agent Nikoli Schneider received the Medal of Valor, the highest award possible. (Also a couple others but that's the one that matters the most.)

     "Here, thanks." I said to the taxi driver, offering him a smile as he  glanced back. He nodded, pulling over. I'm dressed in a plain black tuxedo with a crimson tie, a bouquet of red roses in black wrapping on the seat next to me. I tipped the man and offered another real smile and got out, grabbing the roses and taking a breath before opening the gate and walking into the cemetery, towards the place where my partner and I lie in eternal rest.

     Our gravestones are side-by-side, neither of us has any family to speak of, so the graves are pretty empty. He has the flag showing he served and a granite gravestone. Mine is black. I laid the roses on his gravestone, sitting on my own. I touched his dog tags hanging around my neck. I feel peace now, remembering. I can smile again. My hair is a little shorter, and it's currently pulled back with silver pins that match my eyes. My eyesight is good but I'm wearing fake glasses an exact duplicate of my old ones. I get underestimated this way, also why I'm wearing the useless medical bracelet with my watch.

     I spent the next couple hours telling him everything. Repeating my past, what I've been up to, my plans.  I smiled, looking up at the crystal blue sky.

     "Goodbye my friend, I'll see you soon." I said, patting the gravestone and walking away.

     Over the next couple years, this became a tradition, every anniversary. As time past the world grew more advanced and I didn't age, continuing my chase around the world, but always going back to the grave with roses in a tuxedo. Every year.

     I began to move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2016 ⏰

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