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• No pain, no gain

• When you workout and you don't feel anything, that just state that your exercising in the wrong way. When pain hits your body, it proves that changes/improvements occur within you.

• 8 glasses a day will take all the toxin away.

• Rest if you must but never quit.

• There will always be sacrifices to be done before achieving the ultimate reward. Be patient and discipline thy self.

• Eat less accordingly and you'll gain power.

• Look at a picture of someone you wanted to be and remind yourself every single day that you can have what that person has.

• Jogging early in the morning with your special someone will inspire you to pursue your body goals.

• Never be insecure with what other people have with their bodies. Instead, let them be your inspiration unto making yourself more like them.

• If you have insecurities with yourself, exercise harder.

• Nothing can be achieve without the discipline there present.

• Parents can sometimes help you be naturally fit by obeying the house hold chores. I tell you, it's the most effective, simple and fastest way to lose weight.

• 1/2 Grapefruit
1 toast
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
and a cup of coffee (with caffeine)
on every breakfast will detoxify your body and improves your immune system. Would you believe that?
Credits to: Military Diet Plan

• Perspire and be fit!

• Loving your self is the most efficient way unto achieving body goals. It will sustain your inspirational needs unto pursuing your goals.

• Do not forget to warm-up before doing any exercises to avoid body pain.

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