War (Norway)

453 19 4

WARNING: not a happy story


"*cough* This war is getting out of hand..."

"I know (y/n)... why won't you just sign the Peace Treaty?"

"Because, Lukas, I wasn't the one at fault here. If anything, it should be Ivan to be signing it."

Your country, (c/n), has been at war for 6 months now with Russia. It all started because some terrorists captured and killed some of your people that were visiting Russia, and Ivan wouldn't do anything to help them. So naturally, you got mad and lashed out on him at the world meeting after the incident.

This resulted in both of you going back and forth arguing, which then resulted in fighting, which then resulted in a full on war. He invaded your country, then as a rebuttal you invaded his.

It was quite obvious at this point that your country wasn't as military strong as his was, so you've slowly been getting sicker and sicker.

"You're right on that, he did start it, but you could be the bigger person and end it all." Lukas sighs and replaces the cold rag on your forehead with a newer one.

These were the times that you really appreciated the closeness of your relationship. I mean, after all, he was your closest ally.

"I know, but I'd rather him realize that he is at fault in this situation. So I am not going to back down."

"(y/n) you can die if this escalates any further."

"I know and I'm taking that risk."

"I really don't want you to."

"Why, you're not my parent." You laugh it off.

"No, but I do care about you." He looks into your eyes and you sense a feeling of worry from his dark blue eyes. You feel bad that you are putting him through this. But, at the same time, he doesn't have to help you..

"Why are you taking care of me?" You ask.

"Because we're allies, we're supposedly to take care of each other." He had to hold back from the answer he wanted to give. 'Because I love you.'


A year has gone by and the war is starting to come to an end you think, but it's hard to tell at this point. Ivan wants to stop some days, but then he turns right back into War-Machine-Mode.

Your sickness hasn't gotten better, that's for sure. You've been coughing, hacking, vomiting, and even loosing blood. You we're pale and skinny from lack of nutrients. You'd be dead by now if it wasn't for Lukas taking care of you.

You lay in bed, sending military orders to the generals of your country. Lukas walks in taking the laptop from you just as you sent the e-mail of orders.


"You sent the e-mails, right?"

"Well... yeah."

"Ok then you don't need it." You groan. He acts like your parent sometimes.

"Fine, I'm going to take a quick nap. Cuddle with me." You state blankly and hold your arms out. You've been having Lukas keep you comfort while you sleep because of your nightmares. He doesn't hesitate to slide under the covers with you and wrap his arms around your waist as your back is facing him. You smile in content and start falling asleep. But before you do, Lukas kisses you on the cheek.


1 year and 9 months into the war and you're basically dead at this point. Lukas hasn't left your side since the 1 year 3 month marker. He basically moved in, which is fine with you. You liked the company that you will get in your last moments.

"Lukas..." you whisper out to the man siting in the chair next to your bed. You've started to lose your voice.

"Yeah, (y/n)?" He looks up from the book he's reading.

"I don't know how much longer I have.... I'm loosing..." This struck Lukas in the heart. You've always been determined about this war, and this is the first time you've said anything negative on your side. He rushes from the chair to your bedside, grabbing your hand in his and starts rubbing circles on your palm. He doesn't want to lose you. He can't.

"(y/n) stay strong, you'll win this. Please.. stay." You cough again a few times before blood is coming up again. He wipes it from you shirt and throws the towel away.

"Lukas, I'm done... Ivan wi-"

"NO! You are not giving up on me now... please.."

"I'm so sorry.." You say as your eyes start to flutter closed. Lukas starts to freak out at this point.

"(y/n)? (y/n)! (y/n) please wake up. Don't go.... I love you...."

Those are the last words you hear before your country falls apart, and so do you.



xoxo: kitten tits

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