The fateful day - Oneshot

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Sehun's POV:
It's been almost a year since he left and I'm beginning to believe I'll never see him again. Luhan was my best friend through the wild journey that is being an idol and without him here I'm back to my dull boring self. I used to dye my hair and smile or joke around with the others, but now I am the poker faced Oh Sehun everyone used to know. All the fans seem to notice but I honestly couldn't care less, I just want him back.

Luhan's POV:
I miss him, It's been a year but the pain just won't stop. My dongsaeng, the precious maknae, will always be my best friend and honestly even more than that but he will never know. I'm in Korea for promotions right now and all I can think of is our memories, every street corner I get to and every store I see just reminds me of the time I spent with him. I would never have left if I didn't have to but the physical pain was just too much. None of the guys really accepted that fact, especially not Sehun. The fans always ask if I'll go back to exo or if I still see him but I never have a good response, it's always I don't think so or no I sadly don't have time to visit when in reality I'm just scared of what he will say if I try.

Sehun's POV:
I walked into the little bubble tea shop I used to go to with him and ordered what I always used to get, I haven't ordered it since the day he left but something feels different today. I walked over to the little booth at the back corner we used to go to together and sat down remembering all the memories. Suho texted me, but at that point I couldn't care less about what he had to say. I looked up when the door opened because the shop normally wasn't busy and thought I was hallucinating, it was Luhan! I wanted to run away and hide, to avoid seeing him but at the same time I wanted nothing more than to run into his arms and catch up on all the things we've missed. I have always liked my hyung a lot more than I like anyone else and I think I love him, but I could never admit it. While I was lost in thought he walked over to the booth and sat down, this was going to be awkward.

Luhan's POV:
While walking through the city I saw one of our favourite places to go, the bubble tea shop. I ordered a taro bubble tea, something I hadn't had since I was with him, and went to go to the little booth where we used to sit. I noticed someone there and was going to sit somewhere else but stopped when I realized who it was. Oh Sehun was sitting right in front of me! I could hardly believe it. He didn't seem to notice me so I sat down and he finally looked up. We looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever when he finally said a quiet hi.

"How have you been," I asked

"Fine, I guess" he replied

I figured it would be like this but I had hoped that it wouldn't. I hoped that things would go back to normal and that I could cheer my precious dongsaeng up. We sat in silence while I was thinking of what to say when he spoke up.

"Hyung, I don't want it to be like this" he said

"Neither do I Sehun... But how can I make you trust me again?"

"I never stopped trusting you, I just thought you hated me. Especially when you left us..."

I knew that the boys where upset when I left but I never thought that Sehun would think I hated him. I wonder now if any of the others think the same...

"Sehun," I said, "I don't hate you at all"

"But then why did you leave? I want the real answer hyung."

"Sehun, you know the answer I gave everyone about how SM didn't treat me right and how I wasn't healthy? That's all true, but there is another reason I left."

"Well, what is it?" He asked impatiently

"Sehun, I left because I couldn't handle how much I liked you. I knew SM would never let it happen and I never had the courage to tell you... I'm sorry Sehun, please don't hate me"

Sehun's POV
"I'm sorry Sehun, please don't hate me" he said.

How could he possibly think I would hate him when in reality I love him more than he could ever imagine. I watched a tear fall down his face as he ran away, it was then that I realized that I had to tell him the truth and convince him to stay.
I ran after him as fast as I possibly could, and that's when the rain started. I kept running without a care for how wet I would get when I remembered; he hates thunder storms. There was an old church in the park we were running through and I watched him go inside. I ran after him and said;


"Why? You're just going to tell me how dumb I am for loving you" he said.

"No, I'm not. I'm going to sit beside you and remind you of all our good memories, I'm going to comfort you while we wait the storm out, and lastly I'm going to tell you just how much I love you and always have loved you."

He was shocked to say the least. We sat in silence letting it sink in that it was real when the loud clap of thunder sounded and he started to freak out.
I moved closer to him and put my arms around him whispering sweet nothings into his ear about how we would be fine. He looked into my eyes and we both leaned in, the kiss was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life and in that moment I knew I would stay with him till the day I die. As we moved apart for air, I stated;

"I really love you hyung"

"Me to sehunnie," he replied, "but you do know we have to tell Suho about this right? And I don't think he will be pleased..."

"That Luhannie is a problem for another day"

With that said he fell asleep in my arms, and we stayed like that waiting for the storm that changed our lives to end.

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