Chapter 1

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I've always known I was a lesbian, but I've never admitted it to myself until I was 14. 

I was getting my books out of my locker for my first period class. I slammed the locker door shut. That's when I saw the new girl. She had long caramel blonde hair, she was about 5'7", and she was very skinny. 'Wow,' I thought to myself, 'She's gorgeous.' The new girl passed by me without a glance in my direction. About five feet away from me there was a crowed surrounding her. I was so jealous of her. I'm not popular at my school. I have shoulder length black hair, I'm about 5'8", and I'm very skinny. I like my body but I always find some flaw about it. I walked to my first period class, Algebra II. I sat in the back of the class. I was drawing in my notebook when I saw someone sit beside me. I looked up and saw it was the new girl. I was gawking at her because there were plenty of other empty seats but she chose this one. She looked over to see me looking stupid. I quickly turned away, turning a bright red. I took a glance at her and there was a slight smile playing on her lips. That's when my Algebra II teacher, Mr. Lanning, walked in. 


"Yes sir?" I asked 

"I need to see you after class." 

"Yes sir." I said feeling nervous.  

The bell rang indicating that the first period was over and that we needed to go to second period. I started heading to Mr. Lanning's desk. He was on the phone. He held up his finger and mouthed 'Hold on.' He hung up the phone in a minute or two. 

"Alexis, you will be helping Jessica with her class work, so in other words, you will be tutoring her." He said in a stern teacherly voice. 

"Who is Jessica?" I asked really confused. 

"The new girl. She sat by you today." 

"Oh. Yes sir." I said with politeness.  

"Thank you. You are dismissed to your next class." 

As I started to walk to my second period class, Chemistry, a firm hand grabbed me and threw me into a set of lockers. It was the school bully, Nicole Adams. 

"What do you want Nicole?" 

"You need to stay away from Jessica." She hissed at me.  

She then threw me against the lockers again and walked away. I crumbled to the floor. I saw someone walking in my direction but I didn't look up. 

"Are you okay?" A sweet and innocent voiced asked me. 

To my surprise it was the new girl, Jessica. 

"I'm fine. Thank you." I said as she helped me up. 

"Hello Alexis. My name is Jessica." 

"H... wait. How do you know my name?" 

"I heard your name when Mr. Lanning spoke to you." She said with a sweet voice. 

"Oh. Well, hello." I said with my hand extended.  

She took my hand and shook it. I felt a warm tingly sensation when she touched my hand. 

"It's nice to meet you." Jessica said with a smile. 

"You too," I said, "Well, I better be getting to second period." 

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" 

"I guess not." I said stunned that she was actually still being nice to me. After all I was a nobody in this school. 

"What class do you have?"j 

"I have Chemistry." I said. 

"Me too." She said smiling 

We walked silently to our chemistry class until I remembered that I was suppose to tell her that I'm tutoring her. 

"Hey, Jessica?" 

"Yes, Alexis?"  

"Mr. Lanning told me that I was suppose to tutor you in Algebra." 

"When and where?" 

"My house tonight at 5," I said, "Is that okay?" 

"Yeah. Its fine." 

We arrived at our Chemistry class. 

"So. I guess I'll see you tonight at 5?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

The rest of my day went by slowly. I walked out to my car and someone grabbed my arm and stopped me. I looked back to see who it was, it was my ex-girlfriend: Emily. 

"What do you want Emily?" I said in a harsh tone. 

"I want you." She pleaded. 

"No. It was over a long time ago." I said firmly. 

She grabbed me and fiercely kissed me. I tried to pull away, but she had a firm grip. Then I saw Jessica staring blankly at us. I fiercely pushed Emily away and started walking towards Jessica. I don't know why it bothered me so much that she saw us kissing, but it did. I walked up slowly. 

"Who was that?" She said while I was approaching. 

"That was my stupid ex-girlfriend." 

She started to walk away but I grabbed her by her wrist and hugged her tightly. 

"I'm sorry!" I said pulling away quickly, but she held on to me. 

"W... what are you doing?" I asked stuttering a little. 

"What does it look like silly?" She said while smiling into my shoulder. 

I then released all of the tension in my body and just relaxed myself in her arms. She let go of me and told me that she would see me at 5. I walked to my car and drove home. 

I was getting ready for Jessica to come over. I was thinking about the days events when I heard the doorbell ring. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please vote and comment so I know if I should continue or not. Thank you! 



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