Chapter one (REUPLOAD)

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AUTHORS NOTE: i accidentally deleted this!! i am so sorry!!!

Yo. Based on the this is using Zombiestuck AU by my-friend-the-frog on tumblr. This is for you!


Disclaimer: I do not own Homestuck. XD or the zombiestuck AU


“Fuck... Jake, Jane, Rox! Run!” Dirk snapped as they came closer.

“Why?” Jake growled, looking to his boyfriend in slight dismay.

“They’re here!” Dirk called back. “I’ll get ‘em off!”

“Not without my help, you douche.” Jake narrowed his eyes, wielding his twin pistols.

“Jane, Roxy. You go on to find a safe place for us to hide for now..” Dirk whispered, drawing his katana. “Me and Jake will hold them off.”

Jane nodded, running off with Roxy following. Jake and Dirk began shooting at the zombies, slicing at them, eyes narrowed. Soon enough they were outnumbered.

“Dammit... Run!” Dirk narrowed his eyes as he turned to make a getaway. Jake followed, growling as he fell behind and was attacked.

The zombie bit his left arm before Jake shot it in the head.

“I think we’re safe.” Roxy panted, watching Jane and Dirk catch up.

“Where’s Jake?” Jane asked, looking to Dirk.

“H-He fell behind-” Dirk started, getting cut off.

“Chums..” Jake’s voice was slightly weak.

Roxy gasped, looking to Jake. “Were you bitten?”

Jake nodded. “I... I don’t want to hurt any of my friends.. I don’t want to be a monster.” He looked to Dirk. “I’m not man enough to do it myself... Will you do it for me?”

Dirk’s eyes widened as the next phrase was spoken.

“Will you kill me?”

“N-No..!” Dirk shook his head.

“Dirk, are you crazy--”

“No! I won’t kill him!”

“He doesn’t want to turn into one of them!”

“M... Maybe we can cut off his arm... To prevent the disease from spreading.” Dirk mumbled. “It’s the safer option. I can make a robotic one with spare parts when we reach Dave’s, but... It’s gonna be a while.”

“A-Alright..” Jake whispered. Jane walked up to him, handing him a thick piece of cloth torn from her hoodie. “Take this... Bite it.” Jake nodded, sticking the fabric in his mouth, and he turned to Dirk.

“I’m gonna apply a tourniquet.” Dirk mumbled, tearing one of his sleeves away and tying it to Jake’s arm above the wound. “Ready?”

Jake nodded as Dirk raised his katana and cut Jake’s arm clean off. Jake clenched his jaw, screaming internally. Dirk quickly wrapped the wound and bandaged it. “Th-there..”

Jake felt tears stream down his face and Dirk hugged him. “It’ll be okay, Jake... It’s done with.”

“Dirk!” Roxy called. “They’re getting closer!”

“Got it. Run!” Dirk called and so they all made a getaway.


“Do you think they’re close?” A smaller, younger male voice asked.

“John.” Another male voice snapped, looking toward the other. “Dirk’s group is trying to find us. We’re probably close..”

“But Dave--” John whined, getting cut off. “Shh!” Dave snapped. “Rose, Jade. Prepare for any zombies..”

“Alright.” Jade and Rose chimed in.

“Looks like we’ve got company.”

The Walking DeadstuckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora