Chapter two

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Sollux woke up in the arms of Kanaya and he smiled he felt actually safe in her arms like she would mother him and spoil him rotten like a mother would her baby he sighed and was about to go back to sleep when the door opened and the lights were turned on "wakey wakey!" Said a female voice that sounded a lot like the girl named Vriska Kanaya yawned with a certain elegance that made Sollux wonder why she was even here then she sat up and rubbed her eyes Sollux followed soon after "hello Aranea how are you this morning?" "I'm good I'm just here to see how the new boy is doing" Kanaya patted Sollux on the head "oh he's just fine I made sure of that" Sollux blushed and smiled but he didn't see Kanaya wink at Aranea she winked back and then she spoke again "well breakfast is ready if your hungry Kanaya you can show Sollux to the cafeteria right?" Kanaya nodded "oh of course!" Sollux smiled again "good I'll just be on my way then" and with that Aranea left "come on Sollux lets go eat dear" Kanaya said getting up Sollux followed her down the hall to a large room the smell of pancakes and cinnamon rolls filled Sollux's nose as he sat down not hungry in the least Kanaya patted his back and smiled sadly "not hungry little bird?" She asked him and he shook his head "nah my stomach is upset..." she nodded "I understand but you must eat lunch alright?" Sollux nodded "I will thanks..." she nodded and looked around and suddenly she looked very concerned and she caught a passing boy by the arm Sollux recognized him as the boy named Dave from the previous day "where is Eridan?" She asked and Dave shuddered "I'm so sorry kan...but um..." "dear god he didn't kill himself did he?!" Dave shook his head "no...but he real close this time and John heard him screaming as they pulled him out of his room...he's getting worse..." Kanaya sighed "can we see him today?" Dave shook his head "they keep trying to contact his father... They say he doesn't want to see anyone else... I tired this morning they wouldn't let me in" Kanaya sighed again "his father won't come back here...and they know it..." Dave just shook his head "he has too or his son is going to die..." "I doubt he cares..." Dave sighed "I know it's just sad..." "well why don't you go eat something maybe that will settle your thoughts..." she patted his shoulder  and Dave smiled at her and was about to walk away when she stopped him once more "will he be at therapy today?" Dave shrugged "donno you'll have to ask kanny that" she nodded and let him go eat with his friend John she sat down next to Sollux and buried her face in her hands "that poor child..." she whispered "hey Kanaya..." she looked up at him "yes?" "I...I um I know it's not my place but maybe I should talk to Eridan's dad..." "why? What could you say that no one else already has?" "It's not what I'm going to say it's what I'm going to do...look have they ever pretended to call him as like a check up thing but then put Eridan on the phone? Maybe if he heard his son call for him...he might come..." she shook her head "you don't know Eridan's father he would shatter what's left of that fragile boy" "well we have to try...I mean if Eridan is going to die anyway we have to at least try" she looked at him confused "why would you do this for a boy you don't even know?" Sollux shrugged "if my mind was broken I know I would want to at least hear my father one last least we can give him that..." she thought for a moment "you know I think you might be right...come on I'll lead you to where their most likely keeping him" she got up and grabbed his hand and led him down yet another long white hallway to a room where he saw Kankri standing in front of the door almost guarding it "shouldn't you two be at breakfast?" "We already ate" Kanaya said before Sollux could speak and Kankri nodded "ok so what are you doing here?" "We want to try something..." Kanaya explained the plan they had "are you kidding me?! That would brake him!" "Well since you can't fix him he's going to die anyway so why not give him the one thing he actually wants you never know he may surprise us!" Kankri sighed "I suppose when you put it that way..." Kankri pulled out his phone and gave it to Kanaya "be gentle with him these next few moments my be his last as Eridan as himself so be gentle and acknowledge that fact..." Kanaya nodded and was about to walk in when Sollux stopped her "hey Kanaya..." she turned "yes Sollux?" "Can I do it?" He asked "why?" "Well it was my idea and I want the blame to be mine if this hurts him no one else's" Kanaya sighed "alright Sollux here..." she handed him the phone "be careful..." Sollux nodded and he opened the door and slipped into the dimly lit room closing the door behind him once the door was closed he saw him sitting on the floor his back against the wall his knees pulled to his chest dark purple bruises around his throat and scratches on his cheeks tears falling in streams out of his eyes as he whispered ever so quietly "I miss my daddy...I miss my daddy...I miss my daddy...I want my daddy...I want...I want my daddy..." Sollux had a mixture of fear and sadness running through his body he felt so much pity for this poor abandon soul who only wanted the comfort of his father "Eridan..." Sollux spoke quietly and the poor tired soul looked up "look...I know you don't...know me...but my name is Sollux and I was wondering if you would like to talk to your father on the phone?" There was silence for long moments until Eridan spoke "it's been so long since I heard his you really think he'll talk to me?" Sollux walked a little closer "well I'm gonna make him ok?" Eridan nodded "yes please...I want to hear him talk..." Sollux opened the phone and opened the contacts trying to find Eridan's father "what's your dad's name?" Sollux asked "his name is Orpheus..." Sollux found the number "ok here if he picks up just say hello ok?" Eridan nodded and Sollux pushed call and Eridan  reached for the phone slowly and Sollux gave it to him Eridan put the phone to his ear and waited for the thing he'd wanted for so long the ringing stopped and a voice was heard "hello?" Eridan said before the other could speak "Eridan? They gave you a phone?" "Yes..." Eridan sobbed he'd gotten what he'd wanted and he gave up he dropped the phone and cracked the screen and the call was dropped "thank you..." Eridan said "can you tell the doctor I want my sea horse please? It always makes me feel better..." Sollux nodded taking the phone "sure..." "now get out..." Eridan hissed "GET OUT" the poor broken soul sobbed and Sollux left the room and he was greeted with the wide eyes of Kanaya and Kankri "well?" They asked at once "I-I really don't know what just happened he called his dad and-sorry he cracked your phone when he dropped it I don't think he meant too...I think I still works..." he handed Kankri's phone back to him and he sighed "that's alright..." "oh and he said he wanted his sea horse or something?" Kankri lit up "wait it's not in there with him?!" Sollux shrugged "apparently not" "Kanaya be a dear and run and get it for me!" She nodded and ran off and Kankri turned to Sollux "did Orpheus hear him cry?" Sollux nodded "yeah I think so" Kankri then opened his phone and called Orpheus again but this time Sollux only heard one side of the conversation "no this is Dr. Vantas and I have a bone to pick with you! I swear to god Orpheus if you hang up I WILL DRIVE TO YOUR LITTLE OFFICE BUILDING AND PERSONALLY DRAG YOU HERE DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!!!" There was a pause "good then we understand one another now you get your stupid ass down here this instant or your son will die and him crying will be the last sound you hear come out of your poor baby's mouth!" And with that Kankri hung up and cleared his throat "me and Mr. Ampora have a very...ahem...strained relationship" Sollux almost laughed "I can see that..." Kankri growled "I just want to shake him until he loves his son" he ran a hand through his red hair and sighed "why don't you go back to your room for now Sollux we'll tell you if Eridan asks for you" soollux nodded "sure..." And with that Sollux left to return to his room Kankri sighed and smiled a bit as Kanaya came running with the little White Sea horse Eridan had when he first arrived at the young age of thirteen it had been three years and Eridan had only gotten worse in those years Kankri thought they might not be able to save his poor soul from the blackness of insanity but he hoped they would never stop trying because this boy was innocent he'd never done wrong to anyone in his life he was so very innocent it broke Kankri's heart Kankri by now didn't believe in God anymore he just couldn't believe in a God who would let things like this happen "I'll give it to him Kanaya thank you" she nodded and handed Kankri the small stuffed animal "you can go to your room now" she nodded and walked off while Kankri collected himself and entered the room with the crying child "eri I have your toy..." he spoke softly Eridan looked up and opened his arms to Kankri who was shocked Eridan had never opened his arms to anyone but his father he couldn't even stand to touch others "hugs?" He sobbed out weakly and Kankri walked forward slowly and kneeled in front of the broken soul taking him in his arms Eridan cling to him and sobbed his body shook as if he was dying and he screamed and sobbed until his voice broke and left him after a while if quiet sobs Eridan started to choke and cough and Kankri realized he could no longer breath Kankri got up and called the medical staff they were there within minutes and no real harm was done and Eridan seemed to have calmed down and was resting while Kankri scribbled in his notebook he'd started writing in just for Eridan he'd started a year into his treatment and now had two years worth of data regarding the young innocent and today was the only break through he'd had with Eridan in all his years of trying he had finally gotten to touch the poor boy...

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