this is a lie

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Ok. I'm going to leave the last installment even though it is a lie. It's a cover. It's me too scared to write this down. Because that somehow makes it realer and heavier and harder,so much harder to accept. If you can't guess this is really my story. I may have started this story believing I was ready, but I wasn't. I don't know if. I. Am. But I. Am. Ready. To say that. This. Is. My. Story. From. The. Beginning. It's. Time. I. Let Go....of this at least ... I will leave the previous note because even if it is a lie it is a part of me...a part that I can't bear to delete because it is a part of my history which is what I hope this story is, regardless of how hard, or embarrassing, or anything regardless of how much it will take out of my to write, I need to do this, and i need to start something off without hiding...for once...and so I present...(My) Life From Under A Bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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