This Cold World [song]

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It was doomed from the start

oh, you just left and it fell apart

the truth you knew

but was the lies you told

and oh, all I could do was listen

as you tore down every piece of us

Moonlight on the frozen water

whispers only yesterday remembers

and oh, I'll never get the chance to speak

keep it all locked away

a corner of my heart, I'll pay

anything, just take it out of me

That hefty sum weighs heavy on my shoulders

the burden so strong, and I'm only getting colder

I've got nothing to my name,

I'm just a horse that's gone lame

no bandage, no tape,

nothing keeps me together for long

Stuck in this time, this world

closed eyes and shut ears

no one wants to see the truth

no one will admit their fears

I place the ductape over my lips

no winter breath atop the peak

I see and hear, but never speak

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