Author's Note

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Hello, my fellow Wattpad readers!

This is sort of a request from a very dear friend. She loves the Marvel Cinematic Universe, especially Captain America; hence the book.

Before you start reading, I do want to point out some things. First, I have not written in a long time. So if there is any mistakes, be it spelling error or grammatical error, I do hope you overlook them and have my sincerest apology. Secondly, I DO NOT OWN any of the MCU characters EXCEPT for my own, Claire Carstairs. Thirdly, please enjoy the book, Comment and Vote!

Warning: Some chapters are slightly longer than others and some are short. Don't judge! I get carried away when writing. There might be some facts that is not historically correct. But please try not to complain since this is a fanfiction and anything goes, right?

P.s. please please please do not hate on the story. It is my first time writing an MCU fanfiction.

|| FayeCarstairs ||

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