CHAPTER FIVE, Now it's personal

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Steve and Claire kept their relationship a secret for a while. No one noticed the glances that the pair gave each other when they are in the same room. No one understood why Steve was smiling more than usual. Not even Bucky. Until that one unfortunate day where they thought everyone had left the tower, leaving them together.

"You know, we don't have to hide," Claire said, her lips grazing Steve's jawline. She knew it drives him crazy when she does this but Steve never do anything more than just kissing her.

"Clearly you two have some explaining to do."

Steve and Claire jumped at the voice and quickly entangled themselves from each other's embrace. Bucky was standing at the entrance of Steve's room with his arm folded. His famous smirked was plastered on his face.

"So when did this," he pointed to the two, "became a thing?"

Claire was as red as a tomato, hiding behind Steve. This was not how she wanted anyone to find out about her and Steve's relationship.

"Since our last mission," Steve admitted.

"That was three months ago!" Bucky screamed. He stride towards Steve and a very nervous Claire with a serious face, before breaking into a grin. His arm slapped Steve's back while laughing.

"You're okay with this?" Steve asked nervously.

"Okay? Okay with this? Man, you're blind! Everyone has been waiting for this to happen! Claire, you can stop hiding now."

"I wasn't hiding! Just using Steve as a shield," she said sheepishly.

"You've got the girl, Steve," Bucky commented, walking out of the room.

Steve looked to Claire with pure love. "I've got the girl," he repeated.

Everyone else found out about Steve's and Claire's relationship the same day Bucky did. Apparently he had announced it to everyone on the couple's behalf. Tony had threaten Steve to take back his shield if Claire is neglected, to which he replied he will protect Claire with his life.

"Took you guys long enough to actually get together," Natasha commented as they ate one afternoon.

"Yeah, near death experience gave you the encouragement I needed, I supposed," Steve answered.

"Well, am I glad you didn't die," Claire laughed.

"Isn't time for you to go for your classes?" Clint signalled to Claire, indicating it was time for her to leave for school.

"Wow, you sound like a dad, dad," she teased.

"Yeah, yeah. Call me old-fashioned, education is important. Although you already are a genius."

"Alright, I'm going. Jeez." She gave Steve a peck on the lips before heading out.


It was past midnight and Claire still was not home. Steve was pacing up and down the room, making the rest of them restless as well. He kept dialing Claire's number but her phone was turned off.

"Steve, you're not helping. Stop pacing," Natasha said resting her palm on her forehead.

"Where the hell is she? Something must have happened. Claire would not come back late and not tell us." The phone in his hand was crashed as he held back his anger.

"JARVIS track down Claire's phone," Tony ordered.

"Yes sir. It appears that her phone has been turned off," the AI stated the obvious. "Her last location was outside the university."

"Thanks JARVIS. I'm going to find her," Steve started walking out.

Just then an arrow whizzed past him and embed itself onto the wall. A note was attached to it. Clint, being the nearest, read it.

"They got her."

Steve snatched the paper before crumpling it. "Now it's personal."

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