Chapter 1

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"Mommy, Mommy!" I yelled running full speed down the stairs and jumping off the last two.

"Careful young Scar." She said laughing and swooping my up into her arms. Together we danced round the downstairs floor giggling and singing.

"Ready for your first day at big girl school?" She asked me placing me back on the floor.

"Yes." I replied trying to sound formal. I had always been smart for my 5 year old self.

Picking up my little pink backpack we set off out the door and started making our short walk to the near by primary school.

We skipped down the path together singing 'Let It Go' from my favourite Disney film 'Frozen'. My mom sometimes did the voices of Olaf and Sven just to make me laugh.

We quickly reached the green metal gates of my new school and my mom turned me to face her. She pulled my new jacket tighter around my tiny shoulders.

"Are you warm enough?" She asked me

"Yeah" I replied looking into her bright blue eyes. I started worrying. She was leaving me for a while and I wasn't used to this much separation for that length of time.

"You'll be fine." She told me confidently as if she had just read my mind. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck. She picked me up once more giving me a huge bear hug and we walked hand in hand into the school. A massive grin on my face.

We got into the school and almost straight away my confidence deteriorated. There were so many other children here just like me but without their mommy's. I let go of my moms hand and just walked along side her

"Are you okay?" Mom asked me sounding a little concerned

"Yes" I replied but I didn't look at her. I didn't dare or else I'd start crying.

She was leaving me here. In a place I didn't know. A place I didn't want to know. A strange place with funny smells and big people.
One of those big people was standing, towering over me right now. Her blue eyes were soft as they looked in my hazel ones. She wasn't old. In fact she looked young.

She knelt down in front of me and took my tiny hands in hers

"Were going to say goodbye to mammy now aren't we?" She asked me.

I nodded resentfully and turned to look at my mom.

"Bye" I said trying to hug her but my arms were to little. She hugged me tight and turned to walk out the door.

I never knew why she didn't say goodbye that day until a few years back when she told me it was because she found it hard enough to leave without saying the words to go with it.

I followed this lady through a few rooms until I entered one full of children just like me. They were my age and they looked just as scared as I probably did just then.

Then I saw it.

The books!

The reading section.

My mom had taught me to read a little and I loved it.

Forgetting my fears immediately and the woman standing beside me, I raced over to the book corned and chose my favourite. 'Winnie the Pooh' I loved Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear and Rabbit and Tigger and Roo. They were like my second family. They gave me comfort when I was ill.

I settled down in the squishy chair and began to read and that's when I noticed her. The girl sitting reading "Room on the Broom'
I nudged further to her and timidly said

"Hi" she replied quite chirpy. "My names Jess. What's yours?" ...


This chapter is quite short compared to what I already have planned

Thank you for reading and I will update soon

Please vote and comment and feel free to message me anything

Lauren xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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