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I did not know where to look next or where I was going to find my parents . So I thought that I needed to go back to the castle to see if there where any clues there at all there was none at all so I thought why not go to the old library I mean there is alot of books it should be there some where. So then I headed of to the library it was right next door for the Castle. It looked big on the out side and even bigger on the inside I thought I would never gind what I'm looking for but I would have to try even know I don't know what I'm looking for.

Will I thought that Maybe it would be in like a princess story so I thought I would start there. No it was not there. I mean it could also not be here it could be in a book you never know really. Then a girl came up to me and said hi I'm sky do you need anything . Then I said yes I'm trying to find my parents I don't know where they are. Sky said well you have to go to the biggest book here and you will find out where they are. So I went to the biggest book there I opened it and the book said if you can't find someone thay are hidden behind someone or something else thay don't know you and you don't know then but there is a way to find then go to the oldest tree alive and there is a door there is a key bring it to the book and open it and you will get any wish you won't no matter what.

So i guess I have to find this tree, but were is this tree at ? Will it has to be some where . It could be the tallest or the shorts who knows it could also be old it could even be new . I know that I had to find it . So I went to the forest it was the biggest forest I have ever seen . There was one tree out of all then that Stud out , it was not fair Maybe that was the tree so I ran to it I mean i'm glad I did then there was this puzzle it wasn't had to solve it was not that complete at all then a door appeared to open. when a door open and then a passage lead to home. finally i'm home and it is so grate to be hear i never want to leave again. then my mom said it was time to go to school and as soon as i got to school i was so glad it was there so then I continued on my day. after school I went home and was ready to go to bed I was really glad to finally be safe at home there is no place like home.

         The end  if you like this story please let me know thank you for reading .

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