Chapter 3:He's Packing Up His Bags

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a couple months was 8:00 at night when i looked on twitter and saw Damon's tweet"@k******** i'm gonna move to Cali for a wee bit.i need to be around people i can't be alone any longer,i'm going insane haha literally"and when i saw this my mind when down hill"no...he can't leave...why is he leaving and i got up got dressed and figured out a way i can get to Tampa where Damon lives i went on the bus and then i finally got there at like 10:00pm and i knocked on the door it rained pouring rain ad Damon answered"Aly!your drenched!...what are u doing here so late"he said"to see you...your leaving i said about to cry and he looked at me and nodded his head sadly"when are u coming back"i said"i don't know...a couple months maybe a year"he said"why..."i said upset"Because you told me not to be my live and i took charge..i have been trapped Aly and when you said what you said...i realized....its time to leave here...there nothing for me here you understand that right"he said"yes...i know ...your right....well i guess this is good bye..."i said and he looked at me and he cried a little and he hugged me tight"i'm gonna miss you"he said and i looked at him and he looked back and kissed my lips and looked at me"don't forget me"i said crying"i won't"he said and he looked down"let me drive you home..its really late and your wet from the rain and your wearing short shorts"he said"no...i'll be fine...i want this moment to end like this...."i said and i walked back to the bus and he looked at me walked i got home around 1:30am...i laid in bed and i cried a lot while i listened to Stay by Miley Cyrus on loop till i fell day i got up s if nothing had happen when really i'm hurting deep inside and i went to my balcony and there he stands and i spit out my water in shocked and he had his bags next to him"come with me"he said"what?"i said"you wanted t go to Cali then come with me...i have enough for the both of us and he look at me at me and i looked at him"you don't mind it"i said"when u left that night my mind went to dark...i cried and i was worried...that someone would of hurt u..."he said and i smiled and he looked at me"i had a panic attack"he said and he looked at me"come with Cali like you planed we can find a place a few months later and live there together just like u wanted"he said and i smiled"would you come with me Aly?"he said "yes...i'll go with you"i said and he smiled"come up help me pack"i said and he smiled and went up and i opened the door and he looked at me and smiled and kissed me and hugged me and w went in my room and we pack my stuff up and he saw my many pics of him i printed out folder haha and he looked at me"what the tits"he said and i smiled"give me those"i said and he smiled and grabbed them and packed them and the rest and then we went on the plane i held Damon's Hand to comfort him and i laid my head on his shoulder and he looked at me and smiled and put his chin on my cheek and i felt safe..soon enough the plane went up and i tickled Damon because i was bored and he hair was in two braided pony tails and i just washed it when we were about to leave he smiled my hair'it smells like roses...i'm wired..idk"he said and i laughed"its not wired if i like you smelling my hair"i said and i couldn't keep a straight face it was funny to say that and he looked at me"your so majestic right now"he said"i know right...i didn't choose to be majestic majestic chose to be me"i said"that was pretty cool i might use that in one of my videos"don't i own it"i said and stuck my tongue out and he laughed a little and i kissed his cheek"hows your heart"i said and put my ear on his chest"i little fast"he said and he smiled and i looked at him and is it because of your panic attacks?"i asked"no..i'm nervous"he said"of moving?"i said"yeah that but mostly because of you"he said"sorry getting to close?"i said and backed up"no....i'm worried i will screw this up"he said"what up?"i said" and me...and the fact maybe one day you won't feel like you do now for me..and.."he said but stopped himself"and cheat on you..."i said"yeah...i'm sorry...i'm shore you won't but because of my past...i..."he said"i get it...i understand you more then you know...if u want things to back up a little i will gladly do that for you"i said"no...i want this to happen...i want this to work...i just have to get over it"he said and he smiled"fine if that's what you truly want"i said and he smiled and kissed his lips..........

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