Chapter 2:Can't Stop These Feelings.....

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i finally got into bed after 3 days of Playlist live and i love my fans but i'm like so i fell asleep and u dreamed of Aly...her warm smile as we swing on a swing holding hands and she leans in shyly and kisses me but i woke up just before her lips touched mine...i can't get her out of my head...whats happening do i really like her this way or do i like her attention and i looked at my phone and i looked at her Number just sitting in my phone..."you got to reach out to someone soon Damon"i said and hit call and i listen to the dial tone going beeep beeeeeep beeeeep....each beep made me think should i be doing this at made me more nervous and then it stopped and my breath was short unsteady breaths"hello"she said"Hey Aly...umm its Damon"i said bravely"Damon...its so good to here your voice"she said and i smiled"so whats going on?"i said"nothing much just at home alone...being bored"she said and i nodded my head i was shy"what about you?"she asked"me...oh i'm not doing anything"i said"umm so...want to hang sometime?"she said"yeah...that sound great...but were though"i said"lets walk around in downtown Disney and break the know"she said"ice?...there no ice here its just...nervous...sorry"i said and she laughed a little"okay...then lets chat"she said"face to face"she said and i smiled i love how she talks"okay"i said"so when...and umm you have to pick me up...sorry..i have yet to get my license"she said and i smiled"how bought now...and i'll pick you up"i said"its like 9:00pm"she said"ever went out late before"i said"okay...i'll get ready...bye Damon...oh and Damon"she said"yeah..."i said"Thanks for reaching out to me...i know it was hard"she said and i smiled"anything for a proud member of the Fizzy Family"i said and she giggled"can't wait to see you again Damon"she said and i smiled" too"i said"see you soon"she said"yeah"i said and smiled and she hung up and i felt like smiling a whole lot i grabbed some okay looking clothes and grabbed my phone and keys and drove to her place"shit i forgot to get her address"i said and i parked somewhere real quick and texted her"umm i need your address"i said and she wrote back"lol...yeah that will be helpful"and she texted me her address and i typed in her address on my GPS and drove there she gave me the code to go in the venue and i parked and went up the stairs and looked at the apartment numbers and i found her apartment and i hesitated to knock but i tooked a breath and knocked and she opened the door she was in a jeaned mini skirt and a blue top she had blue streaks in her hair and she had eyeliner and she smiled"come in while i get my purse"she said and i nodded my head nervous as heck i went in the house"welcome to my house my room is right here"she said and grabbed my hand and she showed me"its not much because i haven't yet personalized it as my own yet"she said and i smiled"okay lets go i got my purse"she said and i smiled and we went in my car and we left"i never asked but...did you liked the kiss"she said and i looked at her"yeah i did..."i said shyly and i was blushing"i knew i shouldn't of though...because i just stole a kiss from you just like i won't kiss you unless you want me too"she said and i looked at her and then i pulled over in a 7 eleven parking lot and i looked at her"you don't have to do that"i said and she looked at me"i really like you Aly"i said and she was shocked a little..."ever since you kissed me that Day all i've been thinking about is you"i said and licked my lip"i just want you to be happy...i feel like i can't give you that happiness because...i hate myself....and if you can't love yourself how are you gonna love someone else"i said and she looked at me"i'm prepared to risk all of that for you"she said"because i believe we can be together...i believe we can be something"she said and she looked down"even if i might not be the best boyfriend you can have?"i said"you never know if you never try Damon"she said and then a beeping sound beeped and she sighed"that's my meter"she said"meter?"i said and she tooked out a black case and she opened it and she put a strip in the meter and she grabbed this push pin thing and she put it to her finger and she pinched her finger and blood came out and she put it to the strip and it beeps and she looked at it and it had a number"213"she said"what is that for?"i said and she sucked her finger to stop the blood and she looked at me"i have diabetes....i didn't tell you because i was scared you will not want to be with me..."she said"what because your on you should of known i'm more understanding then that"i said and she looked at me and smiled"yeah....its just i didn't want to take that chance"she said and i smiled"come lets go to Downtown Disney now"i said and she smiled and i drove there and i grabbed her hand and we went and had a walk"so how long you had it?"i asked"almost a month now...i'm trying really hard not to go over my limit"she said"i can make you tofu stir fried with some whole grain pasta later if you get hungry"i said and she smiled"that sounds great"she said and smiled and i looked at her"whats your dream?"i asked and she smiled"to find love"she said"i'm bet you will find it"i said and smiled"yeah...."she said and stopped and i looked at her"with you...."she said and i smiled and she hugged me tight"Damon...."she said"yeah"i said"i want to help yourself...and do the things you want...i want to be here for you"she said and i felt loved and not just admired for the first time in a long time and i hugged her back and she was crying"hey..don't cry"i said and she looked at me and i looked at her and dried her tears and then i pressed my lips against hers..."i'm here for you too"i said in a whisper in her ear and she smiled and hugged me again....i Can't stop these feelings.....

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