EXID Raining Scenarios (Solji♡)

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(Read the lyrics from the video)

Several days had past like the icy cold wind, you rarely meet Solji ever since she was left heartbroken by her ex. You felt happy, to finally be able to seize the golden opportunity of having her as your life partner, but on the other hand, you know she's suffering. "I should visit her." You thought.

You softly knocked her front door, as you worried you might startled her on the other side. "Hey...Noona/Unnie, It's me [Y/N]." You spoke, holding a packet of homecooked Chicken curry. Solji adores spicy food, so you decided to cook it extra spicy for her. You gave another knock, louder this time. "Please open the door..." You pleaded.

The door cracked open as Solji peaked over, "[Y/N] Sorry, I'm a little busy, could you come back another day?" She obviously lied. Her eyes are swollen, her lips were as dry as desert. She probably spend her entirely dayoff crying over that good-for-nothing jerk. Your fists are leaking of rage. "Noona/Unnie, I won't take long." You tried to sound as calmly as possible. "I even bring you your favourite dish!" You forced a smile.

Fortunately, she let you in, only a soft light hanging on the ceiling illuminates the room. You turned to her and you finally get to notice how skinny she has been. "Have you been skipping meals?" You concernly asked. She gave you a quick nod and said, "Don't worry about it."

As she saw your eyebrows were furrowed, she quickly head over to the kitchen, "Just make yourself at home, I'll prepare the food." You let out a long sigh, hanging your coat and umbrella on the wooden racks. You made your way to the table, the cold rain pelted the window, you looked out, people unfold their umbrellas as they walked in two. The couple were smiling brightly, their arms are tugged to one another in embrace. The sound of mug glasses broke your trail of thoughts.

You automatically looked up, Solji's expression didn't change. She sat opposite you, and she even took notice of the same happy couple. "They look so cute together, how lucky." She faintly smiled. "I think we both are too." You thought. Solji had lowered her head, her brown eyes gleamed into the shadows. You gently placed your hand on top of hers, as a form of comfort. And before you knew, a drop of tear splattered onto your pale skin. You feel your heart immediately sink into a bottomless pit. This isn't the Solji you knew. She's sobbing right in front of your very eyes, helplessly weeping her tears away. Instinctively, You rushed by her side, as you pulled her in a tight and warm embrace.

Minutes felt like hours, your shirt were soaked with her tears, and the only music are the sound of falling water droplets crashing onto the glass window. It's getting colder, you could feel her soft skin gone stiff, the air conditioner wasn't even switched on. "[Y/N]..." Solji murmured. Her eyes locked into yours. "You know it's funny, after all these years, I barely get to see you, yet somehow you are always there for me..." You let her continue as she rests her head on your chest.

Your heart rate increased rapidly, a hue of red spread throughout your cheeks like a wildfire, this is not good, she could totally her your heart banging. "Hani told me something about you." She stated. Suddenly, lumps form in your throat as you glued your lips together. Among the members, only Hani knows you secret: You have a huge crush on Solji.

"She did?" You sweatdropped, pretending to be curious. Solji nuzzled deeper into your jacket like an overzealous cat as she giggled softly, her fingernails dig into your skin. "She said you like me." Her words trailed off, awkward silence fills the air. "Hahaha what's? I like you as a friend." You blatantly lied. She furrowed her eyebrows, you totally didn't fool her. She has known you for more than 3 years, and for the past, she could now read you like a book. With a long heavy sigh, you confessed,

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