3. Meeting Her Again

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Maya snuck out of the house when Regina took her daughters to buy more clothes at the market. She took her horse and started off into the woods. She arrived at the cherry blossom tree, and saw that he wasn't there yet. She climbed down from her horse and looked around. She wanted to make sure she was alone. She didn't see anyone and knelt down in front of the tree. She and her father had buried Katy in front of this tree. It was their favorite spot to have picnics and a lot of fond memories were made there. "I miss you mom. I miss you a lot. I really wish you were still here. I still keep the locket you gave me and try to stay kind. Regina makes it so difficult sometimes, but I hold my tongue. I would give anything to have you and dad back. Anything." Maya eyes began to get glassy. She grabbed some flowers and started to sing a lullaby Katy would sing to Maya to calm her down when she would get upset. It had always put a smile on her face. This time, it didn't work.

     Lucas didn't want to admit it, but he was lost. He'd only been to the woods a few times, and that was a long time ago. Zay and Farkle offered to help him, but he turned them down. He was starting to regret that and was mad at himself for being late. He kept wandering around when he heard something. It sounded like singing, and it was really beautiful. He steered his horse to find the source of the singing. He saw the tree and the singing stopped. He dismounted and made his way to the other side of the tree. He saw the girl and she had her back to him. He saw that she was wearing a bandana like a headband, and a blue dress that was torn a bit and really dirty. He decided to sneak up behind her and try to scare her. When he was right behind her, watching her set some flowers down. When he was about to scare her, she spoke up, "I know you're right behind me."
     "Wha– how'd you know?"
     "You're not exactly a ninja," she laughed. She turned around to face him. "I heard you approaching the tree."
     "Then was that you singing?" He asked.
     She hesitated. "So," she said, not answering his question. "Ready to go riding for a bit?"
     "Ready whenever you are."
     "Great," she mounted her horse. "Then try to keep up," she smiled. She flicked the reigns while Lucas quickly made his way back to his horse. He tried to catch up with her, but he as he kept riding, the more lost he got. He just couldn't find her.
     Suddenly, something hit the back of his head. "Okay, what did my head ever do to those rocks?" Lucas laughed. He turned his horse to face the girl and saw her laughing as well.
     "Well, you aren't that great of a tracker, and I got your attention, didn't I?"
     "Yeah, you have a point," he chuckled. He rubbed the back of his head, "Kind of like that rock. Did you sharpen it or something? Besides, I wouldn't have to silently search if I knew your name."
     "Mm, I don't know. Don't you think I should get to know you first? You did run into me, so you first."
     "Alright, what do you want to know?"
     "For starters, how about your name. What do they call you?"
     He didn't want to say his real name, afraid she'd know who he was and treat him differently. "Oh, umm. What do they call me? They umm, they call me, uh, Tristan? Yeah. My name is Tristan." Technically, that's not a total lie. His middle name is Tristan.
     "Is that your final answer?"
     "Yeah, why?"
     "Because that sounded more like a question," she laughed. "Okay, how old are you?"
     "Turning 21 really soon. What about you?"
     "I just turned 20 a few days ago."
     "Happy extremely early birthday then," he chuckled.
     "Thanks, but I think happy late birthday works too," she smiled. They got off their horses and decided to walk around for a bit. "So who is the most important person to you?"
     "My dad."
     "Yeah. When I was younger, we would always explore together with my mom. We would go on little picnics, hunt, play hide and seek, just stuff we did to be together. When my mom died, my dad got a little more busy with, umm... work. He hasn't had as much time to spend time with me, but I still love him. I know it's not his fault he's so busy."
     "I know what that's like. I lost my mom too."
     "I'm sorry."
     "Why? It's not your fault."
     "Still, I wish I could've done something."
     She took a seat and looked at him. "What? Did I say something?" Lucas asked, joining her on the ground.
     She shook her head. "I was just thinking how much my parents would've liked you."
     She hesitated. "Yeah, they umm. They had to move on."
     "I'm so sorry." He stopped and grabbed her hand. She looked down at their intertwined hands and sadly smiled. She rested her head on his shoulder and started playing with his fingers.
     "You really have to stop saying that," she laughed. It wasn't really a happy laugh, it was more of a sad one. He looked at her and saw a tear roll down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, hoping he wouldn't notice, but he did. "It's just, it's hard sometimes. You know? Since my dad died, life hasn't exactly been great. But you just have to have courage and be kind." She looked up at him and saw that he was already looking at her. She quickly looked away before he saw her blush.
     "Have courage and be kind? I like that," he smiled. He saw her smile, which made him smile even bigger. He rested his head on hers and they just stayed there in that position in a comfortable silence for awhile. They just listened to the birds sing, the wind blowing through the trees. The wind blew her hair back and made it easier to see her. Her eyes were closed and she looked at peace. Her blonde hair no longer covered her face, and he saw that she had a bit of black smeared across her face. It still didn't take away from her beauty. He could hear her subtle breathing and it calmed him even more. The moment was just perfect.
     "So you know my name?" Lucas broke the silence. He loved the moment, but the fact that he didn't know her name was bothering him. He was already falling hard for her, but didn't even know her name! She nodded. "Then I think it's only fair you tell me yours."
     "I don't know, I like keeping a little mystery," she giggled.
     "Oh come on. I told you mine, the least you can do is tell me your name."
     "Alright, my name is–" she got cut off by someone yelling. Her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry! I have to go!" She lifted her head off his shoulder and stood up. He stood up with her and pulled her into him since they were still holding hands.
     "Wait! Will you at least tell me your name?"
     She looked up at him and smirked, "Nah. That takes all the fun out of it." She backed up so she wasn't hearing his heartbeat, which was really fast by the way. "Maybe next time. And thank you."
     "For what?"
     "I had a great time. I don't really get to do this."
     He smiled, "Anytime." She smiled back. She looked like she wanted to do something, but stopped in her tracks. She then stepped forward a bit and gave him a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he just stood there. He was caught off guard, but he slowly wrapped his arms around her. When she tried to pull back, he didn't let go. In fact, he pulled her a little closer. She smiled again and hugged him back, resting her head on his shoulder. He smiled into her hair. He didn't want it to end. He heard more yelling, and she jumped back. "I really have to go." She ran to her horse and mounted it. She looked at him one more time and dismounted. She ran over to him and put a hand to his face. "But I hope we can do this again." She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. As she pulled away, the touch of her lips lingered a bit. If only she knew what she was doing to him. As she remounted, Lucas ran up to her. He grabbed her hand, "We will. I'll see you again. If that's what you want, then that's a promise." She smiled and he let go of her hand. She flicked the reigns and took off. He touched where she kissed him and smiled. He mounted his horse and started heading back to the castle, planning a way to meet her again.

"Father, I don't just want an arranged marriage! This isn't fair."
     "You were fine with it a few days ago."
     "Okay, me not saying anything because you wouldn't stop interrupting when I tried to disagree does not mean I agreed to it."
     "Well then what do you want me to do?"
     Lucas thought about this for a little bit. "I want to throw a ball."
     "A ball?"
     "Yes. I want to be able to choose of whom I will spend the rest of my life with." The doctor cleared his throat. Lucas turned his attention to him, "Well, how is he?"
     The doctor opened his mouth, but then closed it. He tried talking again, but the king held up his hand, "If it takes you this long, I think I already know the answer. Thank you, you may go now." The doctor nodded and left. The king had been sick and Lucas was hoping that he'd recover like all the other times, but this time was different. He didn't have too much time left.
     "Fine, but you have to meet with whoever you were supposed to marry." Lucas didn't want to, but this was the only way to meet his mystery girl. Yeah, you heard right, his girl.
     "I want the whole kingdom invited. Every eligible woman to attend. The ball will be in two days."
     "Very well, I will have invitations sent tonight."
     "Thank you." Lucas gave his dad a hug.
     "Is that a new cologne you're wearing?" Lucas shook his head. "Really? You smell different. It kind of smells a bit like the woods."

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