Chapter 4 (Flashback)

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That is what Em/Emmalin looks like in her cat form!
I walked home after school my unnatural purple eyes sharped my eye sight since I was half cat. I sighed as the names that I was called today ran through my head"freak, possessed, demon" they all ment nothing but still they still hurt. I quickly walked into the silent house and listened for my uncle ( I had to live with him my parents died when I was a baby) he would beat me because somehow he thought even though I was a baby I killed my parents. When I heard I dumped my bag on the floor shifted and leaped out the window. The breeze felt nice as it ran it's fingers through my fur. I ran towards my favorite roof in the whole city it was at the top of the library. The dome was tall and the spire at the tip was wide enough for me to sit on. I ran up the stairs at the back of the building screeching to a stop when I saw a figure siting on my favorite place. I hissed at the figure and it turned. The first thing I noticed where the ocean colored eyes that I would have loved to swim in, And the pink lips and strong jaw. I gawked at him a tight blue shirt was stretched over his ridged chest. The same colored pants clung to his legs and a mask covered his forehead down to the top of his nose. I without even thinking shifted but only halfway my ears and tail stayed. Now it was his turn to gawk as he fell of the spire barely catching himself as he stopped a inch above the glass dome. He hesitantly stood staring me up and down as I continued to stare. Now let me tell you why I was staring it was because I was a few feet away from HYDRO the mist iconic superhero of his time. A grin eched into his face and he finally spoke"enjoying the view?" I immediately snapped out of my trance. I nodded my head no not trusting my voice at the moment. His grin widened as he stared at me his eyes now raking over my body. I shivered under his gaze and was about to speak when I heard a almost inaudible scream. Yet I could hear it with my enhanced hearing my ear twitched. I turned and was about to shift when I heard a "wait!" I turned back and stared at him. "Did I say something?" He asked " no " I said finally speaking " I heard a screm and as you can't hear as well as I can I need to go do some saving" I said turning around again. " Wait!" he said and grabbed my wrist and sparks shit up my arm. "Can I help?" He asked looking into my eyes disarming me "y-yeah" I said pulling my shaking hand from his grasp. Then shifting we now ran and flew our way to the now growing screaming. We fought together side by side and It felt so right. Ever since then I became his sidekick. We fought together and even started to develop feelings. One day after I had gotten a cut down my side and was laying there in the sidewalk as my like and blood seeped out and into the ground he said he loved me. That day we found a new power yet it was controlled by feelings. Every superhero has one and it was to heal. I was unconscious when I woke up he told me again I love you and I knew I loved him to. We never left each other we never knew each other's identities but that didn't matter to us what matters is we loved each other. Yet a few days before I told him I had to leave I found him with his "girlfriend" that day I knew he never loved me it if he did he didn't anymore. I met him on the spier "hey" he said giving me a grin that used to make my heart melt. "I'm not going on patrol today" I said. "What!" He said jumping up and grabbing my arm. "Don't touch me" I growled yanking my arm from his grasp." What's wrong?" He asked faking worry "you " I said pointing at him. He looked confused but before he could say anything I jumped in" don't say anything you worthless piece of s*it" I said turning and walking away. "Wait!" He called "were did this come from what what did I do?" He asked. " You did bloody everything 1. Dating another girl 2. Missing patrols to see her 3. Lieing to me." Us aid counting then off in my finger's. He opened his mouth to speak but I stopped him" don't deny it I saw you with her I saw the way you made her feel special, I saw you give her the flowers the same ones you give to me, I saw the way you kissed her because you loved her, I saw the way I didn't matter" I said my eyes now briming with tears. " I'm sorry " he said "please take me back " he said nealing in front of me. " And I'll prove it to you" he said pulling out a box a velvet box. Before he said anything I said " no, I don't know who I am anymore so I'm leaving and moving to pairs" I said shoving the box away. He looked at me instead of sadness I saw anger. " How dare you reject me" he said "no one would reject me i know my real girlfriend wouldn't cause she loves me" he said water dripping from his hands. " There it is the monster that you are has come out " I said " I'm leaving and you can't do anything about it because I don't love you so tou shouldn't care" I said and before he could say anything I shifted and left my past behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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