You Suck At Love.

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This is it. It’s happening. After spending the last 2 years in Australia, I am finally moving back to England. Before following my dad out to the car, I scan through my bags, double checking I have everything.  After all the hassle of trying to fit my many bags into the back of the car, we’re off. Since we only live 20 minutes from Sydney airport, the journey is going to be quite short. My younger brother gets bored easily and asks every five minutes whether we're there yet; of course I get annoyed with him and we’re on the verge of an argument.

Once within the grounds of the airport, our first struggle is to find a parking spot. Most spaces are already taken and drivers are left battling to get the next available spot. Soon enough, we all clamber out of the car and begin unloading my luggage. Eventually, everything has been hauled onto the trolley and we make our way into the airport. Queues move inch by inch and we slowly get closer to the front. After checking in, I have 10 minutes before I have to go through security so I venture off to find a Starbucks.  Security is usually a hassle, however today I somehow manage to get through fine. I follow my dad and brother into the waiting area and wait for my flight to be called.

“This is it.” My dad says, handing me my tickets and passport.

“Dad don’t, I’ll start crying.” I take my passport from him and pull him into a hug.

“Stay safe, No boys.” He warns, causing me to giggle.

“Can’t promise anything” I joke, giving him a wink.  I then kneel down and wipe the tears that begin to fall down my brother’s cheeks.

“I’ll miss you Beth” he cries, causing tears to brim in my own eyes.

“Dad will let you come and visit me soon, okay?”  I assure him, engulfing him into a hug. I give them one last goodbye before heading over to board my plane.  Thankfully, I manage to secure myself a window seat and watch as fields, cars and buildings appear smaller and smaller. I have no idea how I'm going to keep myself occupied for the next 23 hours. I find myself watching countless films on my ipad and reading through a number of magazines before the flight attendant announces that we'll be landing in half an hour.  I sit back and stare out the window as I reflect upon these past 2 years.

When I was 7, my dad left us to start a new life in Australia. No I don't hate him for it, it was for the best and I'm glad he did because now I've gotten to experience life in 2 different countries. However, 3 years go; when I was just 14; my mother was diagnosed with Lung Cancer and lost her battle a year later. Since I was 15, I wasn't allowed to live on my own and had to leave Bristol and move out to Australia to live with my dad and step brother. I had to leave everything behind, including my long term boyfriend Ollie. It's funny because 2 weeks after I left, I found out he'd been cheating on me the entire time. Now, I'm 17 and still not legally allowed to live on my own. But my best friend Abbie, who is 18, has a flat in a small town called Slough on the outskirts of London; I've been given permission to continue my studies there. 

When 30 Minutes have passed, the plane lands and I make my way into heathrow airport where Abbie is waiting. My eyes scan the crowds of people, trying to find her. The second my eyes land on a small figure with bright red hair, I drop my bags and run. I run up to her and jump on her, almost knocking her over.

"I've missed you so much!" I squeal, pulling her into a massive hug. We sit in the airport for at least another hour, catching up and talking about anything and everything. Suddenly, we're interuppted by "What Makes You Beautiful" blasting from my phone. I don't give a damn if that songs old, it's still my favourite. I look at the caller ID, unknown. Hesitating, I accept the call and lift my phone to my ear. 

"Beth Wiltshire... It's Blair Dreelan."

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