Upon Angels Wings

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Upon Angels Wings

The heart tis a delicate thing, as it beats with loves eternal fires

But alas, my heartbeat slows as tis blackened by soot

For how can one love so pure, whilst corrupted by such darker desires

For my days were once filled with golden light, but the light is fading as darkness tis afoot.

I once flew amongst the clouds with wings so white and pure

It was with these wings that I could dance upon the stars with angelic grace

For I had not a drop of evil within my heart, and of this I am sure

For I twas the child of an angelic race.

I walked among a flawless society where there twas never a wrong to be seen

This was a society where rules and perfection were life and law

For within this society every action is flawless and mistakes are considered unclean

Thus if you disobey or raise your voice then they shall take no pity as they have hearts that will never thaw.

But I can take no more, I've grown tired of this persona for tis not who I am

Because within this society we wear different faces but walk and act as though we have the mind and soul of one

Individuality has become extinct, these lives we live for society are all a scam

But count me out for I shall break the shackles society has put on me, now consider me done.

I held back for far too long, I now let my tongue flick with a wicked but honest flame

For I traded my purity for honesty and they replaced my halo with two black wings

I shall say what I mean and mean what I say for this society tis corrupt and we have only ourselves to blame

We all have our own voices and I use mine to tell you now that they say to stay quiet but I say in their dreams.

Bite my thumb I shall, but bite my tongue I shall NOT

For a society with a diamond appearance is still a society none the less

For I will not follow in the image of others, I have carved my own path, but they call me crazy, unstable, and distraught

For I swore upon my wings that I would no longer be a part of this mess.

We do as were told and become who we must to please society but for what reason

I tell you now to open your heart, To be who you are and break the chains you may bear

For we follow each other like mindless zombies and this should be an act of treason

We are not the same for we have our own hearts and minds, for we are not alike but society makes us and this I say has never been fair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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