Chapter 4

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*Emily's POV*

I woke up to the sound of rain. I looked at my phone 2:14 a.m. I got up for some reason i wanted coffee. No one was home just me some rapist could come in and take me away. No one would care everyone would be happy. 

I stood up i was sure i had 10 bucks somewhere. I found it under my lamp. I got my red Nike hoodie and walked out the door. It had stopped raining and i decided to walk to the nearest coffee shop instead of driving. As i walked i plugged in my headphones. "I wanna scream and shout and let it all out"

I really did want to scream and let it all out but no one would hear me. I sighed, why do people make me feel this way? Why did my life turn into a nightmare? I remember when i was little i smiled all the time. Now I'm sad all the time. Do i really belong here? I'm different. No friends. No life. No love. Always alone. No one understands my pain. I'm misunderstood.

It started to sprinkle. I put my hood on. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. No. I don't want to cry anymore. I wiped it away. 

After 15 minutes I arrived at the coffee shop. It was a 24 hour one. I entered. It was empty. There was only a guy on his phone sitting on a stool. He looked up. "Hi" He said smiling. "Hello" I said back "What can i get you" "Just a coffee and a doughnut please" I said. He got up and made my coffee. "So what brings you here at 2:30 a.m.?" He asked me. "I just woke up and decided i wanted some coffee and walked down here." "Oh you walked here how far do u isn't it raining? "About 20 minutes by foot 5 by car. Not too far. And yeah it was but i don't care."

He smiled "Wow" then he gave me my coffee "4.37" I gave him my ten dollar bill. "Mind if i join? you" he said holding a coffee cup. "sure" i said. We sat down at a booth. "My name is Alex whats your's?" He asked "I'm Emily" he nodded

"How old are you?" i asked "I'm 18..let me guesses your age.." He thought for a while "I'm going to say 15 16" "16" i said "that's nice" he said. I nodded. I looked up to find him looking at me smiling. He had pretty blue eyes that went perfect with his brown hair. "Your pretty. You know that right?" I looked down. "I wish i could see it." His smile faded. "Hey you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." . "Thanks" i said

We talked for about 5 more minutes. when another person walked in. "Oh well i have to go and see what this costumer wants." he said. I got up "I have to go too" I said. He grabbed a napkin and wrote a number. "Text me" He said and smiled. I nodded and walked out the door.

I got home and unlocked the door and went in. I sat on the couch and it started raining again. I felt sad a gain. I went up to my room. and laid down in my bed. I reached into my pocket and took out the napkin that  had Alex's number on it. I texted him.

Me: Hey it's Emily :)

Alex: Hey Emily ;)  

Me: what's up..still at the coffee shop?

Alex: Yeah..My shift is almost done tho..Hey aren't you going to school tomorrow?

Me: No..I got suspended..Fight. :\ What about you?

Alex: Oh sorry...and no I'm home schooled.

Me: Oh that's nice..well i have to go..I'm tired..goodnight

Alex: Alright good night ;)

I put my phone up and just laid there. He was a nice guy..too bad he dosen't know my well yet. Then he will turn like everyone else and hate me.

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