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I decided to give one final part before closing the book! And it's a storytime!!!

One time I was in the store with my mom and we were shopping for clothes! I hated it because all my clothes were in the boys section and I didn't want to go over there and look like I was shopping for myself! So I screamed loud, "Hey mom I'm going to shop for Henry! (made up person)(my "little brother") Even though I KNOW I didn't have any brothers! I got weird looks from the whole store for being loud but at least I got to shop for myself without embarrassment! Even though every time I think of that moment my cheeks heat up! Ok so sorry I'm closing the book but I just don't like it very much because I'm not really a tomboy anymore, I'm in between.

101 reasons why I hate being a tomboyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora