When You Have A Crush

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You got home and put your bag on the couch and sit while smiling and you didn't notice Jesy that is sitting next to you..

Jesy: "I Think My Little Sister Had A Good Day In School huh?"

You look at her with big eyes cause youre shocked that she was just sitting next to you

Jesy: "Come on, Dont Just Look At Me With Your Big Eyes, Tell Me What Happened On Your School?" She said while rolling her eyes playfully..

"I Have A Crush" You said it nervously while looking dow because your scared what will be Jesy's reaction. 

There's a moment of silence

Jesy: "MY LITTLE SISTER IS IN LOVE!!!" while shaking your shoulders and hugged you

You have a big smile because you didn't expect that reaction of hers. She pulled away the hug

Jesy: "Do You Have A Picture Of Him? Let Me See If You Have."

You give your phone to her and look at the pic You and Jesy chatted on it the whole day

Leigh Anne

You open the door of your house excitedly and run to Leigh and hugged her

Leigh Anne: "Hey, What Happened, Why are You so Happy?"

"There's A Cute Boy On Our Classroom." You smiled excitedly

Leigh Anne: "And?"

You give her a 'you know what i mean' look

Leigh Anne: "OH!! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM? COME ON TELL SOME MORE!!" She said excitedly


You open the door of your house slowly like a robot and straightly looking because youre still imagining what happened to you and your crush. Until one cough from Jade bothered you..

Jade: "Y/N What happened On you?" while looking at you with a confused look

Youre walking on her slowly while smiling 

"I Have A Crush On School" You said not looking at her and smiling. When you look at Jade and her reaction is serious. Your smile is fading away and you begin to be nervous

Jade: *smiles* "Wheres the smile on yours? Tell me what happened with your crush" rolling her eyes playfully

You smiled excitedly and tell her what happened


You banged the door of your house and run to Perrie who is watching t.v. You turn off the t.v and walked to her excitedly

Perrie: "Hey!? Y/N What's your problem" she said in childish way

"Pez, Im going To tell You something"

Perrie: "What is it?" while focusing on you

"I Have a Crush, He's so freaking cute!" while shaking her shoulders

Perrie: "Really?" while tickling you 

"Ughhh!! Stoppp!!"

She stopped looking at you excitedly


"No! you tickled me! Im not going to say to you!" You jumped out the couch while laughing 

You ran around the kitchen while laughing and Perrie is chasing you

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