chapter 3

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I was sitting at a desk listening to how Isaac Newton came up with gravity I shook my head I hated him I even met the guy he was a total butt face * hehe butt face :3*  I heard a familiar whispering in my head * that's how angels contact each other * I rise my hand as quick as a combra striking its pray coach Lefter  look at me "Yes Ms. Hudson ?" he asked " can I be excuse." I ask him coach Lefter hesitated but nodded I got up and run out of there l like the devil himself was after me

* running 39 blocks later ************************************************************************************************************************************************            I was at a abounded shelter where the door was barely on its hinges and the windows are shattered or not even there and its paint job so looking so good I noticed a demon stay away symbol I shook my head "hello stargazer nice seeing you again I haven't seen you in so long.. how long has it been? 157,532,67 years maybe give or take." said a so oh familiar voice I whip around quickly to see James a Angel who hurts fallen Angel.....Like myself " oh shit " I thought James smirked I wish I can whip that dumdass smirked off his face when James steps closer I step back he reaches behind his back an points ....." the God killer ." I whisper that was the ONLY gun that can angles , demons. , and God himself James faked surprised "Wow guess this little Angel done her homework .huh ? " I gulped and step backward but trip over a rock and landed in my butt James was about to shoot me but was stop by a voice "CANDIS !!!??? CANDIS !!!??? where are you ?!" I heard a familiar voice yelled with worry in his voice James grimaced " this is not over little Angel ." James warned and disappear in the shadows I seat there tears theating to fall "CANDIS !???" I heard him yelled he said something else but I pass out before I knew what he said and into the nightmares of James and the God killer

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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