Chapter 11 - My babies have declared their love for each other!

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Guess who isn't patient at all! I couldn't even wait 24 hours before adding another chapter... I almost made it! 20 hours... Oh well...



"I think... I- I love you. I'm in love with you. I-"

Nico's eyes widened and he gasped. Will was in love with him? He knew Will liked him... but not that he loved him. Without thinking, he responded... In Italian...

"Oh my gods! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to tell me that! I've had a crush on you for a while now... I thought you were straight and you would never love me back... Honestly, there have been times when I thought I wouldn't be able to hold it in and I would just end up spitting it out... I was sure you would hate me for saying it, or for being gay... I- I love you too and-"

Will stared at him with a very scared expression on his face. "Nico..." He said quietly, to stop the other boy's babbling. "Y- you speak Italian?"

Nico blinked, then finally realized and buried his face in his hands. "Yes... I was born in Venice..."

Will gaped. "You're fluent?"

Nico lifted his head, and glared at the (pretty dense) son of Apollo. "I am Italian, idiot! My mom was Italian! Italian was my first language! My last name is literally an Italian word! Angelo! It means Angel! Gods, how can you be so oblivious!"

Will, despite his best efforts, cracked a small smile. "You're going back and forth between the two languages, you know."

Nico simply rolled his eyes, and crossed his arms angrily.

"So..." Will continued sheepishly. "This means... you've understood everything I've ever said to you in Italian... "

The smaller boy nodded, refusing to look at Will.

"Well... this is awkward..."

"Do you know how hard it has been for me?!" Nico exploded suddenly. "To hear you speaking in Italian, in my language, and pretend like I don't know what's going on?! I had to train myself to not react when you spoke! I let Reyna and Piper charmspeak me and attack me with the worst pick-up-lines ever, until I finally wouldn't react to anything! All for you! I can't even count how many times I've almost kissed you when you said something in Italian!"

Will didn't respond, just stared at the floor, deep in thought. Then he looked up with a smirk. He leaned closer to Nico, and whispered "Will you be my angel?"

Nico rolled his eyes again and sighed. "Fine..." He responded dryly. "But you do realize... that makes you my solace?"

Will didn't respond to that, just pulled Nico up off the infirmary bed and dragged him out of the room. "Come on!" He exclaimed.

Nico tried to pull away, couldn't, and begrudgingly followed after Will. "Will! Where are we going? William Solace you better tell me or I will shadow-travel away! WILL!"

Other Apollo campers stared as the two boys ran towards the strawberry fields. Ellie finally broke the silence. "So... Nico speaks Italian... "

"Whoops." responded Reed. "Well, at least Nico knew about Will's feelings. It seemed to work out anyways. That looked pretty couple-y."

Ellie stared at Reed in complete surprise. "I never thought you would know the least thing about couples or love..."

Reed just smirked. "Oh I know a ton about love... I could show you!" he said, and blew a kiss to Ellie.

"Nope!" said Ellie, and shoved him off the stool he was sitting on. She carefully hopped around the dazed boy, and jogged out of the infirmary happily. Her favorite brother finally found love! She was so happy for him. It was amazing that Nico liked him back. They would be the best couple ever.

So yay! It's canon! I still have two more chapters that would totally demand a sequel, and an actual prophecy, and I can't do that. I mean, I could make up a prophecy, but it would be worse than Apollo's haikus. And I don't want to torture you guys. So tell me what you think. Should I make a sequel?

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