Run Away

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   "Wasn't that fun?" Stella said. "It was a blast!" Her friend Brittany said. Stella's mom comes out of her room and hears her daughter breathing heavily. "Where were you?" Her mom asked. "Uh, I was out partying. Mom, you need to let me loose a little bit. I'm a teenager now, and teenagers can do whatever they want!"

Her mom tried to talk but all she would do is interrupt and back talk her. "Honey. Just because you're a- MOM Stella interrupts. "Stella you need- That's it mom, I've had enough!"

     Stella runs with Brittany to her house. "That's it. I've had enough of her." Stella comes back at midnight and sees her mom standing by the stairs. "So, Why did you decide to come back?" Her mom said. "You think I'm gonna leave my own mom?" Then she left to her room.

Stella's mom went up the stairs and told Stella that she needs to get better friends. Stella said "I am NOT leaving my best friend!!" "Then you can leave me!" Her mom says sarcastically. "I already told you that I'm not leaving you." Stella says in rage.

Stella's mom tells her that if she doesn't stay away from Brittany, there are going to be very bad consequences. Now Stella is redder than the color red itself! She yells "That's it mom, I'm going to sleep!"

    At one o'clock am, Stella's mom goes to her room. "Stella. Stella honey are you in there?" The door is locked. Stella's mom finally opens the door and sees that the window is open.

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