Too Clean

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I woke up and at first remembered nothing. Well, for a few seconds. It all came back to me. The pain, the falling, the freedom... And now I was here. It smelt clean, too clean, like someone had filled the room with soap. When you smell that smell you know where you are almost instantly. The hospital.
    I realised I was alive! Maybe I was lucky, perhaps I just broke my leg! I looked out the room- it was dark, around 12:00. I failed to notice the children around me, strapped down with monitors by there sides. I decided I would get out of bed, have a wash.
    I tried to move my legs. They wouldn't move. The same happened with my arms. It was almost like they weren't they're, like they had been taken off my body. I could move my head, but nothing else. So I screamed. It was one if those horrible, high pitched screams, that make even the toughest man shudder. A beautiful nurse came into my ward. She was dark, and had curly black hair surrounding her head. She shut the curtains around me, so it was like I had a room of my own. It was just me and her. Her and me.
    "What's wrong dear?" She said in her soft voice. It was like how you'd expect an angel to speak.
    "I, I can't seem to move. I know it sounds very odd, but I can't. Please could you help?" I whispered. Her smiling face fell, and she lost eye contact.
    "Your Sophie, aren't you? The little one who jumped from the window? It's not good news..." So then she told me. "Dear, your paralysed. I'm afraid you can't move neck down."
    "WHAT????? Well, for how long? I'm going to DisneyLand in the summer!"
    That's when the tears came. She cried, like properly cried. Her tears stained her perfect face, leaving her all blotchy. So she said it. Told me the news that ruined my life. "It's forever..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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