ChApTeR oNe

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(I would like to thank Bénabar-senpai for inspiration and Miss french teacher for showing me this song) ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽)

(Cyr's point of view)
"Greg! Greg come here right now!", I yelled, holding the pregnancy test in my hand.

Yes, I am one of the men able to get pregnant. A carrier. I knew since I was eight, but fully understood later in my teens. Along with discovering that I am, in fact, bisexual.

Me and Greg have been 'sort of dating' for a few years now, but we've never told anyone. We even moved away from each other and Greg got married. Don't get me wrong, I adore Lainey. It's just that me and Greg never really broke up. Sure, we weren't seeing each other too often, but I used to sneak in here and there.

Then all the drama began. Lainey's miscarriage, the full body masage and finally the divorce. Frankly, the miscarriage affected Greg the most, leaving an empty hole in his seemingly cold heart.

You know, many people think he's a heartless monster. However once you get to know him, you start seeing through the walls he's built to hide the devastated insides of his soul.

When Lainey moved away, Greg asked me to come back, catching me off guard. I, of course, said yes. There's still some of my stuff in now Edwins flat for video purposes, though.

Right after I moved in, I sat Greg down and told him all about me being a carrier. Not because I wanted to, but because we were going to be living together 24/7 and I decided he needed to know.

To say I was okay with it would be a lie. I was scared shitless. Greg however not only acccepted me, he was ecstatic. He saw me as a possibility to give him something Lainey couldn't.

And the grin that appeared on his face when he understood was everything I've ever wished for.

A/N: If you liked the song above, you can check out Bénabar-senpai's other songs or my other personal fave - Pierre Lapointe. Please tell me what you think of this chappie in the comments. Or don't. Whichever makes you happy.
Midnightqueue 🌚🌑🌚🌑🌚

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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