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Ashfur looked up from the border. "Yellowfang!" He gasped, bowing to the gray she-cat. "No need to bow, youngi'n!" She purred, sitting close to him. A moment later another she-cat came from behind. "Greetings Ashfur, Yellowfang." She growled, glaring at both of them despite the formal greeting.

"Greetings, Bluestar," purred Yellowfang, giving her a pleased look. "You showed." "Why wouldn't I?" Bluestar sniffed, shaking her fur-head-to-tail. Ashfur noticed the tension between the two gray cats. "Ashfur we came to-" started Yellowfang, and was cut off as Bluestar nudged her.

"You promised." She snapped, looking into Yellowfangs sour, yellow eyes. 'Bluestar is a noble leader' thought Ashfur. 'There's no WAY that she can be alright'

"Ashfur, you are getting a second chance at life." Bluestar said, flicking her tail. "There." She snapped at Yellowfang. "Satisfied?" Yellowfang purred. "Of course Bluestar!" Bluestar seemed to relax. "Ashfur, you will become a kit agin- and will reside in BrambleClan-" "BRAMBLEClan?" Spat Ashfur, stalking around the two cats. "Are you crazy?!"

Yellowfang shrugged. "Crazy so, it's still happening." Ashfur stalked up to her. "No. It's. No-" he was cut off at a bright sheen of light, and he was knocked out into a daze of light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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