Story 2 Part 2

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Warning: This might
Be my Smutt

There was a very awkward silence on the way to Mark's house.Then they were at the house and Mark grabs Jack's bags and show Jack to the quest room
Here you are Jack
Thanks Mark
Hey Mark
Yea Jack
I need to shower where are the towels
I will just get you one
-grabs towel and brings it to Jack-
Here you g-go -finds Jack in the bathroom taking his shirt off-
I am g-gonna order s-some pizza w-what type do y-you want
Could I get a sausage and pepperoni please
Y-yep I will go order that now have a good s-shower
-runs out the room and to kitchen-
-thinking- WTF why am I so hard from him taking his shirt off and his response
Dam it I have to get some relief if I don't then he will see and not want to talk too me agian
-runs up stairs to room and hears something from Jack's bathroom-
*moans* Mark...Mark...Mark...*moans agian but a bit loader* Mark please just let me help you...
-thinking- OMFG is he moaning to me!?!? I think he is
Fuck if I don't deal with this soon the pian will consume me
-hears him get out-
Fuck I got to go fast...or I can tease him
No I need to just relief this pian
-runs to bedroom-
Fuck I hope Mark didn't hear me*hears pounding on the floor*
Fuck me I think he did
Wait... is he doing what I think he is doing
-moans- fuck if I don't go faster he will hear me and then where will we be, but if I go faster the moans will be faster so I can't
Dam it I will finish it later
-walks towards the quest room and knocks-
Hey Jack
Y-Yea Mark
I am gonna hop in the shower let me know when the pizza comes okay
O-ok Mark
Thank Jack
-thinking agian-
(Sorry for all thinking)
Now I can have some relief

Time skip

Before I knew it the pizza was here and Jack was at the bathroom door

Yea Jack
The pizza is here Mark
OK will be out in a sec
-puts on robe and gets the pizza-
Hey heres a tip sorry was the shower
Yea Mark
here's your pizza
thanks Mark
Hey Jack
Can you come to my room I need to show you some thing
-takes Jack upstairs and closes bedroom door behind them-
Mark what did you need to talk to me about
I heard you
I heard you in the shower
*blush appears and a guilty look appears as well*
You shouldn't tease people like that
W-what are y-you talking a-about
I know you heard me or you would not have been so close to falling in the bathroom when I went to get the pizza
Fine I heard you what does it matter
I caused me to do this
-pins Jack's arms above his head and kisses him-
*moans and tries to get a breath*
-sticks tongue in Jack's mouth and explores and backs up for a breath-
What The Fuck Mark!!!
You were asking for it in the shower were you not
*kisses Jack's neck and leaves a hickey*
You know Jack
You taste so good did you know you that
*goes back to kissing neck, moves down to collar bone, bites gently,and licks to V-line*
Yes Jackibaby
L-let me h-help you p-please
Only if you listen to what I say
Yes daddy

This one is pretty long from my other ones
Thank you for the support
-Bye Bitches

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